1 minute read
Q TURDY, rugged construction throughout, scientifi- cally designed, the GERLINGER Hydraulic Carrier is the most highly developed carrier produced.
Strength, speed, ease of handling and troublefree service are the factors which have contributed to the adoption of the GERLINGER Model HS as standard equipment in many mills of tfie West.
Our catalog, giving complete information, will be sent on request.
,4irltlanc I'iczu of (Continued from Page 34) ant Sales Manager. Like Mr. Dixon, Messrs. I-ervis, Dunbar, and Martin have been with the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company for a qttarter of a century.
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company has long played a very prominent part in serving the rail tracle of California rvith its supply of Douglas Fir, and maintains oflices in thc 11/cndling Plant. both San l.-rancisco and Los Angeles, catering to all of California, as rvell as Arizona.

The San Francisco oflice is located at 402-4O4 Marvin Building and is in charge of Mr. J. R. (Bert) Neylan, whosc thatch has grorvn grey in the service of this same concern. He is assisted by Mr. H. C. (Hi) llenry, who spends most
(Continued on Page 38)