1 minute read
Red Streak High Speed Steel Knives will give you longer service without regrinding or jointing. Th"y are made of shock-resisting steel.
was opened four. years ago b.y Mt. 4..C. Clark, wh-o, for many years previous to that time, had charge of t!9 Sacramenio-Valley business for this concern. Mr. Clark's territory includet all of Southern California, Arizona, and New
(Continued on Page 39)
"Tungsweld," the only Welded High Speed Steel Knife. The cutting edge of high speed steel is welded to a soft steel back. Outlast thick carbon steel knives three to five times.
(Continuecl from Page 38) Mexico, and he is assisted by Mr. A. t. Show, one of the best known road salesmen in Southern California. Mr. A. L. Tomseth, rvith headquarters in phoenix, sup- plements Mr. Clark's work throughout Arizona.