2 minute read
Bobbins Flooring Go.
In "Robbins" Flooring you are aesured of the very 6nest that has ever been, or ever will be produced. Our geogtaphical location, the modern machinery in our mill, and the type of men who make our flooring. all go to make this statement poseible. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the beet.
Southcrn Crlifornir:
C. J. LAUGHLIN, 62il PctrolGua Sccurltlc Bld3., Loe AagclG.
NofthcrD Califonir:
GEORGE C. CORNTTIUS, Anartcu BuL Bldg., Sea Fnnctrco
The Poverty Of Wealth
Andrew carnegie said:
What War Money Would Buy
Give me the money that has been spent in war, and I will
.,I was born in poverty, and would not exchange its clothe every man' woman, and child in an attire of which sacredmemorieswiththerichestmillionaire'ssonwh6ever kings and (ueens.would be proud' I will build a school breathed. What does he know about M;t["; ;r Father? house il--"ygty 1a.lley over the whole. earth' I will crown
There are mere names to him. Give me the life of the boy every_ hillside"ivith .i place of worship consecrated to the whose mother i" ,r*re, seamstress, *".tr.r*o-urr, .ooli, gospel of peace'-Charles Sumner' teacher,angel,andsaint,allinone,andwhosefatherisIJErn|1rTT''^,,T guide, exemplar, and friend. No servants to come between' HE COULDN'T
Understand It Either
These are the boys who are born to the l..t i-t""e. Mil- A lumberjack with a broken leg- was taken to a hospital lionaires who laugh, are rare. My experien"i i. tt "t wealth in the northern woods' and after the leg was set the nurse sky-hooking for the Weyerhaeuser gang, and I only had one grbund mole. _ He sent up a big blue butt and she was
,"iillr-"i'ft'fi"{:ll swat both the nies when he had
"You go to bed, tt:g a""r_
He who is silent is forgotten
He who abstains is taken at his word.
He who does not advance, falls back.
"I don't seem to "ialtri"na exactly," the nurse said.
"Neither do I" replied the lumberjack earnestly. "The blame fool must have been crazY."
This little globe which is but a mere speck, travels
He who stops is overwhelmed, distanced, crushed. through rp""."*ith its fellows, lost in, immensity. .Man, a
He who ceases to grow greater becomes smaller. creatu"re about five feet tall, is certainly a tiny thing as
He who leaves ofi, gives up. .r i compared with the universe. Yet one of thq,se impercep-
The stationary condition is the beginning of the. e.nd' tible' beings declares to his neighbors : "llearken unto me.
-Amiel' The God 6f "ll th..e worlds sp-eaks with my voice' There
I make it a rule never to argue with people for whose eternally damn'ed by Him. Mine alone is blessed'"opiriont I have no respect.-Gi5bon. Voltaire'
I. H. "Terry" Stutz, who has traveled the San Joaquin Vattev for the Coos Bay Lumber Co. for the last four lr..r.] left for Dallas, Texas, about the middle of May, *tt.r" he will represent the compahy in the Texas territorv. A. L. Sailbr, who has been with the companY for serreral years working out of their T,os -An-geles office, ha.s Leen transferred to the San Joaquin Valley with headquarters in Fresno.
George Good Visits San Francisco
George Good of the Good Lumber Co-., Tra.cy, accomoanied -bv Mr. Nichelmann, who is the football coach of 'tn" Tt""y High School, visited San Francisco about May 20th to irtrtt{. for new football suits for their team.

The E.-J. Dodge Co.'s mill at Newburg, Humboldt. Co', recently t6sumedloperations after having been shut down for about three wee-ks undergoing the usual anhual repairs'