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Compensation Costs
A Scrhs
All rrtcr on COMPENSATION INSURANCE erc crteblirhcd rnd epplicd by thc Cetifornie Inrpcction Rrting Bureer4 end thc ntc rppticablc to cach cleuification of ildurtry ir nrde up on r cort of production buir. Thc rctual rccidcnt cortr uc conprrcd to thc pryroll end nurt crtrb' lirh a rrtc pcr Lundrcd dollarr of pe5rroll wLich nutt pro' ducc cnough prcdium to pry ell eccidcnt cortr plur r ieir pGr ccnt of profit to thc inrurrncc compeny. Undcr our phn of opcntion, profit nedc by thir Arocietion ir rcturocd to thc Arurcdn and conrequcntln our erurcdr obtein thcir protcction rt ectuel COST.
Ovcr r pcriod of tLrcc ycer thc cort of WORKMEN'S COMPENSATTON TNSURANCE her bccn rtcedily clinbia3, which hu brought rbout corrcrponding incrcercr in ratcr for precticelly rll tbc cbrificetionr in cvcry iadurtry.
Thcro retc incrcsrcr hrvc bccn practically uniform, which ir convincing proof thrt thcrc nurt bc rone eau.c or group of ceurcr for brin3in3 thcrn ebout, end to prcvcnt cv.n furthcr ilcrcercl thcrc crurcr nurt bc clininetcd.
(In our ncrt rrticlc wc will teLc up tLcec caurcr.)