1 minute read
Your Hardwood Order Can be Filled at Harnmond's
H E recent Mississippi floods have r wrought havoc among the Flardwood mills of the South. With a great number of sawmills shut down and with SO/o of Gum timber lands under water, as well os ? Gor. siderable amount of Oak and other Hatdwoods, the market has become demoralized, with shortage of stocks in evidence and a cotresponding steady advance in picee.
Hammond Hardwoods and Hardwood Flooring stodss are not depleted even in face of these conditions. Foreseei.g an abnorrral market, eady artangements were made to maintain these stocks on a normal level regardless of cost. Yout orders for Hardwoods, either rough or manufactuted, can be filled prompdy and completely, now as heretofore.