4 minute read
Ted Lawrence
If you wGnB to ask any Californb lunbcrman who Thcodore B. Lawrcacc ia, hc vould pobably acratch his hcad'and tdl you he ncncr hcard of any such ltc{sort.- lBut if y6u arked him who 'Tcd' Livrence is, that would !c aq cntir-cly'_diffeneat story. For tf,ey all bror Ted Larrcncc in thc hunber businocs in Califomia-Noth or Soudr, East c-West Califcnia- Hic namc anrl fanro so,rt of co,vcrs fie stato aftcr ttrc raailter of wcll loo*r and highly advcrtised Californira Butrghinc. Ycs, folLsl Tcd Lawrcnce-is vell and most favorably knowtr to ua. He livce ia thc free a;d uoafraid City of Loc Angeles and is Manager in Southcrn Califo4nia for onc of thc greatcst lumber concerns that scf,vcs this territory. The Hart-Wood I;unbcr Comtnny. - Ted was evidently alwalc intcndcd td be a lumberdarl for hc sas born in Tacoraa, "Ttre Lunber Capital of Arncrica." His folks lived ilr Chicago during his boyhood dap, but when hc left school and got rcady for thc serious busincss of life thry had rndttcd back west like all wisc pcople cventually do, and landed, in San Frarrciscq and hcre Tlcd got his first and last job. He werrt to work for The I'trart-Wood Lumber Company. Hc showcd a lot of stufi and the first thing thcy knew the I'Iart-Wood folLs had hirn roan- stuff aging their big yard in San Francisco. Hc remained in charge of that yard rmtil rnarlv 6ve vcars aso. whcn the vard wad sold. IIc had been on that irb ovcr tcrr years. tmtll rrcarly years ?go, yard that jnb years. Thcn thev dccided to take him out of the rotail dcpartment anrl pu,t him in thc they d=Gcided the rotail put rale, and he came to Los Angnles and was ptrced in chargc of thc gtcat wholcede wholcsale, grcat ratcr tradc which that fi1m cnjoyr in this tcrritory. It has becn a good five yean he has put in b Southern Califoroia- The tradc dosrr hrc liked him fronr thc first. , Hc b a -good looking individual, as his pictrue shoaq anfl a strong-jarvcil hc-man at thd same time who makes and kecpc fricads in rmucual fashion. They dl Ukc Ted iu Southcrn California, because of his amiable dispoeition and furo qualitier of eharactlcr.
And they rcspect him far his brpincgc qudifications. You always hcar hin rncrxicred very quickly whcn lumber folks get to talking abqrt go-gcttcrc in tb. slrolcsalc business, and that hc is onc of t}re bcot-po8te4 bcst qualified, and most auccesslul sellers of wholesale lumber in California, there can bc no doubt The grcat Hart-Wood Lnrnbcr Compeny have great faith in hirq and plaoc their afrairs in ti6 hands dth t[c trtmoct conidcncc. Hc knows thc game he is playing, krws it backrar& and forsards, knoss hb tradc to pcrfection; and withd, heplaf's tlre garne fahly and squarcly.
He is a fine exanqrle o[ a Californh wholesalc hunberman.
Plan Structural Grade Campaign For Douglas Fir
A special national campaign in behalf of Douglas Fir structural timbers is announced to begin in June by the West Coast Lumber Bureau, this city. Details of the pllrn were agreed on during the week between a special timber grading committee of the West Coast Lumbermen's Asso' ciation and Bureau officials. Extensive advertising and field work, both of a technical nature and directed chiefly toward architects and. engineers will be used by the Bureau to bring a larger amount of this class of trade to West Coast mills.
"Douglas Fir mills in Washington and Oregon can supply the most exacting requirements in structural timbers," the Bureau stated, "and on many of the most important pieces of timber const,ruction undertaken in America during recent years, Douglas Fir structural timbers were sp'ecified by the responsible architects and engineers. However, the quality, size and availability of our structural timbers are not as well known to the technical men as they might be and this is the reason for the campaign."
Architectural, engineering, building and lumber trade publications will be used for the structural timber advertising campaign and a special drive to coordinate with the publicity is planned by the Bureau's field staff of technical engineers. These will work in cooperation with sales representatives of Bureau member mills and with retail dealers stocking the structural grades of Douglas Fir.
Quite a number of Bureau member mills are now cutting all the structural grades and others have signified their intention of backing up the program by adding these stocks to their regular lists.
J. O. Means, the well known lumberman of Los Angeles, drove up to San Francisco, arriving about May 3rd. As he was combining business with pleasure he visited the Yosemite Valley on the way.
Our Specialties
Vertical Grain Flooring
Vcrtical or Mi:cd Grain Finish
Vertical Grain Stcpping
Thick V. G. Clear K. D. Factory Stoch Vertical Grain Shop
AII made trom the finest ot
of soft texture, dried in strictly modcrn dry kilnr llittr: Rrymond, Werhingtoo
Willapa Lumber Co.
Salcr OEce: Gagco Bldg., Portland, Ora
Mr. F. A. Hart, of Portland, Oregon, well known member of the famous lumber firm, The Hart-Wood Lumber Company, is a visitor in Los Angeles at the present time. He is being shown around by Ted Lawrence, Manager for his concern in Southern California, and by his son, Bill Hart, who sells lumber in this territory under Mr. Lawrence. The Hart-Wood Lumber Company is a concern twenty-two years of age, of which Mr. Hart and Mr. W. H. Wood, of San Francisco, are the orvners. They do a huge business in the Fir lumber g'ame, owning their own timber and mills, their own great line of steamers, and selling their own lumber almost entirely in California where they have their own wharves and sales organization. In addition to the product of their own mills, they are heavy buyers of Fir from the better tidewater mills of the Northwest. They operate nine of their own lumber carrying ships, between the Northwest and California.
George Lounsberry Goes East For Vacation Trip
George Lounsberry, of Los Angeles, active head of the concern of Lounsberry & Harris, who operate a'string of big retail lumber yards in the Los Angeles district, left on May 26th for a five-weeks vacation trip to New York and other eastern cities. He was accompanied by Mrs. Lounsberry.
R. E. Caldwell, The Little River Redwood Co.,'San Francisco, and Frank Minard, C. S. Pierce Lumber Co., Fresno, were recent visitors at mill operations of The Little River Redwood Co. at Crannell. A complete inspection of their mill and logging operations were made by the visiting lumbermen.
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Egch- ogeratgq ir providcd wirh thre€ tool ceel gauges to chcck rhe width, thiclnees, tongue 4nd groove. lryec- tion ir continuous, to irunre cxact, unv.rying uniformity. NICHOLS & COX LUMBER CO.

Grand Rapids, Michigen
Qcaht of finc rood lllorlliag