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A Big "Kick'o Here is a Letter That Gave One of Our Retail Friends
A retail lumberman in New Mexico sends us this story and accompanying letter. He says he sold a man the materials for re-roofing ahd repairing an old house, which the owner was getting ready to rent, and when the bill for the materials went out, the following letter came in return:
"Dear Sir: This is to say my house is 'swept and garnished' and await a tenant. I have oiled the floors and all the woodwork, and calcamined the kitchen. It was never so nice as now. It is furnished with new furniture of Mrs. Pollards selection. A Majestic range and hot and cold baths. Electricity and water and sceptic sewerage that surpasses Roswell. Fine shade, lawn Garage, sleeping
Bureau Has Two Technical Booklets To Distribute
So many demands were made for the 16page booklet, "Douglas Fir & Southern Pine," published during the winter by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association at Seattle, that it has been necessary to run another edition. This is now ready for distribution and the Bureau, 562 Strtart Building, has several thousand copies for free distribution to the readers of BIG TREES.
This booklet covers the subject thoroughly, pointing out the botanical differences, colors of woods, durability' strength, grades, etc. Complete working stress tables for both woods are given.
'"Mechanical Properties of Timbers," written by C. J. Hogue, field manager of the Bureau, a lGpage booklet, giving-in a semi-technical manner the properties of Douglas Fir timbers for structural needs, will be sent free on request.