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714 Ytest Olympic Blvd. - Los Angeles - Telephone PRospect 0229

Consistendy Serving

Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers

Vith Their Conrplete Lumber Requirements

Agents for


S.S. Point Loma

Fire Damages 3 San Francisco Yards

Fire, starting early on the morning of May 26, destroyed about 500,000 feet of lumber in three of San Francisco's large yards on the Channel and burned the dock on the south side of the Channel for a distance of 1.70O feet between Third and Seventh Streets. It was estimated that Acme Lumber Co. lost about 300,000 feet, Christenson Lumber Co., 125,000 feet, and Smith Lumber Co., 40,000 feet.

The total damage was estimated at $200,000 by the firemen.- This included $40,000 damage to the Southern Pacific trestle at Seventh Street.

Peter Anderson, 70, watchman at the Christenson Lumber Co., dropped dead as he rushed to a fire alarm box to send in an additional alarm. and seven firemen were injured.


Roy Hills, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, accornpanied by his wife and son, paid a visit to McCloud, Calif.' over the last week-end.

*Advertiementr appear in alternate iseue.

Acme Spring Saoh Balance Co., The American Lumber & Treating Co. -----...------17

Baxter & Co., J. H. --------"--------1o

Brookmire, fnc. -------."------

Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. ---*--------------------------- 8

Cadwallader-Gibson Co- fnc. --------------.--------17

California Builderr Supply Co. -----------.-------*

California Panel & Veneer Co. -------------------*

California Redwood Argociation

Cetotex Company, The --------------------------:--------*

Chamberlin & Co., V. R. - - ------ - --.---------21

Cobbo & Mitchell Co. ----- -- ------------------------10

Croscett Wectern Company

Dant & Rursell, fnc. --------------,----------------------,13

Ewauna Box Company --------- ---1j

Forryth Hardwood Co. HaIl, Jamer L. - -. _---

Hanrnrond & Liale River Redwood C-o. O.B.C. Hill & Morton, fnc.

S.S. Lawrence Philips

New Plan May Setde Logging Dispute

Prospects for settlement of the labor dispute afiecting about 30 logging camps and 12,000 loggers in the lower Columbia River district were said to be brighter on the evening of May 25 by Charles H. Gram, state labor ,commissioner, who stated at Portland that 6,000 striking and locked-out loggers were willing to vote on a proposal making him supervisor of a joint loggers' hiring hall in Portland.

Representatives of the Columbia Basin Loggers' Association, whose camps have been closed during the dispute, were reported to be studying the proposal.

All other differences have been ironed out, the hiring hall question being the main stumbling block in the way of a settlement.

West Oregon Lrrmber Company's mill has been closed. since May 20 due to shortage of logs.




H. H. Ketcham of the H. H. Ketcham Lumber Co., Seattle, visited San Francisco the first part of this week.

Flemminge, E. W. -------,-- ---------17 Hogan Lumbcr Co.

M. AI'AMS Clrshfc Mugcr

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