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A Resumption of Operations in Their Valsetzr Oregonr Mill on June 1ct
O Alfer five yeors ol intrctivity, lhe houge flca oI the Cobb: d Mitchell Compcrny will proudly fly cgcinthig time oyer cr completely renodeled,reconditioned ond highly modernized mill. New equipment hcra been ingtolled, including modern dry kilns oI lcrge ccpccity lor drying crll comrnoa os well crs clecrr stock, oad double end trimming equipmeat.
O The timber holdingr oI the Cobbg & Miichell interestg represent one ol the important lrocts of lcrge yellow lir on the Pacilic Cocgt.
I WIth owaership cad mcacareneat uachcagred, the luture productiou oI this niil will undoubteilly cotiaue lo Eecawe up to the higb atondcd oI quolity od uniloniiy thct bce ncdc "Electric" brcd lloorhg, produced ln lhe compoy't Micbigcn plcnt, c by-word lor perlectioa lor nore lho boll c ccatuy.
Addreec AII Correcpondence Relatioe to Orderc anil Reptecentation to Out
Frolic and Fashion Show June 12
Lumbermen's Post, No. 403, American Legion, will stage their Midsummer Frolic and Fashion Show at the Army and Navy Club, (fourth floor), llth and Broadway, Los Angeles, June 12. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m. Tickets, which include dinner and the show, are $1.65 each.
The Committee reports the fashion show will be one of the foremost displays of femininity ever staged in Southern California. A big turnout is expected and tickets can be secured from members of Lumbermen's Post.
lHow Onc Retailer is Creating Business
An article in a recent issue of a Santa Barbara newspaper gives an interesting account of how Francis E. Boyd, vipe-president and general manager of the Boyd Lumber & Mill Co., Santa Barbara, has been creating business in a building rvay.
For the past year he has been contacting veterans desirous of building a home under the State Veterans' Welfare Plan, acquainting them with the building requirements necessary to receive a loan, and getting them started with building a home. 'He found that a great many of the veterans were anxious to take advantage of the loans offered, and in almost every case where the prospective builders were contacted a loan was arranged for and construction started. Mr. Boyd states that up-to-date a payroll of $54,000 has been created in Santa Barbara through the building of these homes by the veterans.