1 minute read
The Gospel of Scrvice
By Jock Dionne
I€c asy to see horr the doctine of oervice destroys the old time competitionl If yo,q in your lurnbcr brrpinero ot homc, bigin devoting your evcry efiort to diccovering and creating and devising meuta for giving your tade batcr building sen'ice, -hAwing then newee and better and more inteteoting ways of using YOUR materialc' you nill forgct dl-about your comfetitor. You dontt have to ort priceq or li4 or unc aub,terfuge, to do thet sort of business. You are too busy with the crritc of human ser:vice.
fu{ if your competitor acloss tfre sceet is doing the same thing, the competition of tbc iungle co& auto oatically. You both c!'eate burinear, your creative efiorts gready enlarge the pot from rvhich you bottr Eust eat' you help your people, you help youselves, and you help one anothct
That ic the competition of mcn who think. If we could just get dl men 16 thi-k intelligendy about theil businesq thing" would be wondetful.
Loo& at the mcrciandising charyes that you cee dl about you. Thint of your orvn expendituree, o{ your own h.bitr, of your own anusements, of ihe thing you do and see, and hear, and buy' and thinh how rapidly yotr havc chenged in dl these lines.
Hae YOUR buainess progesred as much? Shouldntt it?
Look at the thing your wife buyc at the grocen. Everphing you buy is put up in ncat, attractive, clcan pac&ages, plainly labcled" Your wifc doesntt buy any other way, does ahe? Yout butter co66 h pac&ages, yotrr led in tmall pailE yoor suger, cerleab, cofiee, brea4 evcrything p.ceed deantn and interestinglyr and differcndy. T\ey eay that the famcds wife wontt eat her orvn butter any more until ahe har pached and labeled it.
Has YOUR businelE progressed that much?
The public has developed a perfect craving for variety, for cbange, for improvemcot. It wants to be shown. It ir wiling to pay for these thtngn crhich it dccires. Arc you catisfyiog that craving in YOUR buciness? Aic you oternally and continually changing and developing and improving your sen'ice? Or is it *anding rtill? Are yor lecing thc rcst of the world advanoe, while you cterd ctil[? Or are you cetedng to thcse grrcar hunran cravingo. fof irnFrovernent in io horing, in its shelter?