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llitchelf (o.

'3Ghronated 7.1nc Ghlortdett PNESSUNE

Treated Tumber

Now Treated and Stocked at Our Long Beach Plant for Immediate Delivery to Lumber Dealers

Approved under Sec. 106 of the City of Loo Angeles Building Code

Clean Buy "BAXCO' for Service paintabre ' t**l"Ar#;;91jf;"*illE:fJffi 'fermite and charge fc tr€ting.

Odotless a Pmpt shlpmta fron wr stck.

Decay Resistant ' Treating deal'e/-s m lumber-mill- ship' Fire Retardant "%t: t o'r dock or truck lots froar dealer'c


San Francisco Lumbermen's Club

A new San Francisco lumbermen's luncheon club has come into being in recent weeks which promises to fill a need that has been felt for a place where lumbermen can meet informally at luncheon once a week.

Starting very modestly a small group met at luncheon a few weeks ago and asked a few others to join them the following week. The attendance increased substantially each week, and a representative gathering was present at the third and fourth meetings held May 20 and 27.

The place of meeting is the Engineers' Club, 206 Sansome Street, corner of Pine Street, San Francisco. The day is every Wednesday. Lun,cheon is served at 12:15. .There is no speaker or entertainment program.

Men from all branches of the industry, including those from out of town who happen to be in the ,city, are invited to attend.


Ed G. Gallagher, purchasing agent for White Brothers, San Francisco, left May 2a to attend the National Purchasing Agents' Convention at New Orleans, May 25 to 27. After attending the convention he will make a complete tour of the hardwood manufacturing centers of Arkansas, Tennessee, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin, and will return by way of the Pacific Northwest where he will visit Douglas Fir manufacturers in Washington and Oregon.

George Burnett Heads Council

George Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co., Tulare, was elected president of the California Lumbermen's Council at the annual meeting held April24. E. S. McBride, Davis Lumber Co., Davis, was elected vice-president. I. E. Horton, South City Lumber & Supply Co., South San Francisco, was elected treasurer, and B. B. Barber, Fresno, secretarymanager.

I. L. Walker resigned his position as Secretary-manager of the Council, effective May 1. The office of the Council in the Merchants Exchange Building, San Fran,cis,co, will be kept open temporarily.

S. M. Hauptman Named Nelson Trustee

Sidney M. Hauptman, former president of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. and McCormick Steamship Co., was appointed trustee of the Charles Nelson Co. and its numerous subsidiaries, May 16, by Federal Judge A. F. St. Sure.

Mr. Hauptman replaces Homer W. Bunker, who was elected president of the company by the Court in April, and who recently recommended that a permanent trustee be appointed.


George W. Gorman, wholesale lumberman, San Francis'co, has moved his office to 503 Kohl Building, 486 California Street. His new telephone number is GArfield 3782.

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