6 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Ag" not guaranteed---Somc I havc told br 20 years---Some less
He Knew The Answer
A group of private soldiers were milling around outside the gate of the army camp, waiting for the bus that was to take them to town for the evening, and they were in mighty high spirits. They were right in the midst of picking on one another with much zest, when a small country boy, leading a little donkey and holding tight to the halter, started to pass. It was too good a chance for the godnatured soldiers to pass up. They sort of grouped round
Back From Norithwest
C. W. Buckner, California representative of Harbor Plyrvood Corp., returned to San Francisco May 19 from a business trip to the Northwest which included a visit to the company's headquarters in lloquianr, Wash. He reports that their two plants, which were closed for some weeks by a strike, are again operating at full capacity.
--- to help you Point No. 1in
WHeeun Osaooo lo-prirt Doors
Absolutely Squa,re--
No Suggfuag--
There are ten points of superiority in Wheeler Osgood Laminex and Woco Doors. And, in the l0-Point Sales Policy-which in' cludes advertising to architects and builders-Wheeler Osgood helps you get more door customers. Send today for the big, new wall hanger telling your customers about l0-Point Doors.
the boy and his little donkey. Said one of the soldiers:
"Sonny, what are you holding so tight to your brother's bridle for?"
And the little country boy answered:
"That's to keep him from joining the army."
After that they just waited for the bus. And report has it that not a word was spoken by any of them for a long, long time.
Bert M. Smith, field representative of the general sales offi'ce of The Red River l-umber Company visited the Westwood plant and general office last week, with Mrs. Smith who had accompanied him on a trip through the South and Middle West. After a week in Westwood. he returned to the territory.
Flardwoods - F*.y F{ardwoods
Flardwood Flooring
Calif ornia Sugar Pine
California Ponderosa
California Redwood
Douglas Fir Lumber
Building Materials
Hatdwood and Fir Plywoods
Wallboard - Roofing - Nails
"Super Cedar" Closet Lining Insulite Distributors
The Hot"tse ol Friendly Service
The Pioneer Hatdwood Yard,
Arizona Dealers Elect Officers
Claude A. Hayes, Prescott Lumber Co., Prescott, was elected president of the Arizona Retail Lumber & Builders Supply Association, Inc., at the annual meeting held at Tucson on May 8-9. He succeeds John G. O'Malley, O'Malley Lumber Co., Phoenix. Other offr'cers elected were: H. S. Corbett, J. Knox Corbett Lumber Co., Tucson, first vi'ce-president; C. J. Killen, Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Co., Yuma, second vice-president, and Chris Totten, Phoenix, secretary.
The following were named directors: M. H. McCalla, Foxworth-M'cCalla Lumber Co., Phoenix; Ed Mulcahy, Mulcahy Lumber Co., Tucson; Allen Ware, Tarr, McComb & Ware, Kingman; F. M. Pool, Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Co., Superior; Albert A. Hays, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co., Phoenix; Albert Stacy, Bassett Lumber Co., Douglas. Northern Division-Grady Stubbs, Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Co., Holbrook; Otto Obthell, Head Lumber Co., Prescott; J. F. Olds, Olds Bros., Winslow. Central Division-R. V. Baker, Baker-Thomas Lime & Cement Co., Phoenix; Cecil Drew, F. P. Drew & Sons, Mesa; George Reitzer, Clifton Lumber & Implement Co., Clifton. Southern Division-John N. Wood, Bisbee Lumber Co., I-owell; Neal B. Waugh, Neal Waugh Lumber Co., Tucson; William Killen. Foxworth-Killen Lumber Co., Tucson.
M. H. McCalla was elected director of the National Retail Lumber Dealers'Association, Washington, D. C., from Arizona.
Hear Talk on Regional Park
East Bay lumbermen heard a splendid talk on the subject of "Re'creation, A New American Industry," by Col. Rys Davies, former chief of Canadian Reclamation and Land Settlement, at the regular monthly meeting of the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club, held at the Athens Athletic Club, Monday evening, May 25.
The address was illustrated by colored slides and motion pictures, and dealt particularly with the E,ast Bay Regional Park, now nearing completion in the hills back of the East Bay cities.
Col. Davies received hearty applause at the end of his talk and was thanked individually by most of those present for his very enjoyable and instructive address.
The speaker was introduced by Lloyd llarris, who outlined the work that Col. Davies is doing with the Regional Park Board.
President Gordon D. Pier,ce presided. Frank W. Trower invited members to attend the Wednesday noon luncheon at the Engineers' Club, San Francisco, when they happen I to be visiting the city.
Announcement has been made that the Lillard-Simpson Company will hereafter be known as the Allied Veneer & Lumber Co. The offi'ces of the comPany are at 2153 Sacramento Street, Los Angeles. Otis H. Fine is president' and Harry J. Hartke, Jr., secretary-treasurer'
Cobb & Mitchell Mill at Valsetz, Ore., Most \(/ineries Preler Redwood Tanks
Resumes Operations
The Cobbs & Mitchell Company mill at Valsetz, Oregon, will re-open and resume operations June 1, according to an announcement by the Herbert A. Templeton Lumber Company, of Portland, which has been appointed exclusive sales agents for this mill. The opening will terminate a fiveyear period of inactivity, during which time the mill has been entirely remodeled, reconditioned and modernized with much new equipment and enlarged facilities. Among new equipment are included the newest and m.ost efficient dry kilns for drying all common as well as clear stock.
The mill was built ln 1921. During the following ten years of operation it produced from fifty to eighty million feet of lumber annually.
The name Cobbs & Mitchell has been well known in the lumber industry for 60 years. For half a century, "Ele.ctric" brand flooring, produced in the'company's Cadillac, Mi,chigan, plant has been recognized as a synonym for quality and perfection in hardwood flooring. The traditions of this company will be perpetuated by the same policies that have been responsible for its long and successful career, with ownership and management unchanged.
The Valsetz timber holdings of the Cobbs ar-rd Mitchell interests represent one of the fine stands of large yellolv fir in the Pa,cific Northwest.
"The re-opening of the Valsetz mill and the continuance of my company as exclusive sales agent for the Cobbs & Mitchell Company is a matter of considerable satisfaction and pride to me and my associates", stated Mr. Templeton. "It is an association of which one may properly be proud. One of my earliest recollections is of my father's retail yard in Iowa and a small shipment of "Electri,c" flooring that arrived by local freight for use in the banker's new homethe first hardwood floor in our town. With a stand of timber second to none, milling facilities that represent the last word in production effi,ciency, plus the determination o{ the Cobbs & Mitchell organization to produce only lumber of finest quality and uniformity, those of us responsible for the distribution anticipate a real pleasure in serving the needs of lumber buyers throughout the country.
Orders are now being ac'cepted for practically all iterns of fir lumber and reserve stock will be built up rapidly to permit quick shipments of all yard stock orders.
The picture reproduced here shows 28 Redwood tanks built for the Novitiate of Los Gatos, an institution of the Jesuit Order, where fine wines are produced and sold commercially.
Oak has ahvays been a favorite wood for tanks used for the purpose of aging wines, but most wineries are now using Redwood tanks. California Redwood is cheaper than oak and is claimecl to possess characteristics unsurpassed by any other material for the construction of all kinds of storage tanks and vats.
Clear, dry heart, straight grained stock only is used in the construction of Redwood tanks.
The wine tanks shown in the picture are 2" Redwood ovals of 4' minimum diameter by 4' 6" maximum diameter, and 4' long, having a capacity of 300 gallons each or a total capacity for the 28 tanks of 8,400 gallons.
They were built by George Windeler Company, Ltd., manufacturers o{ wood tanks for all purposes, whose factory is at 22Ol Jerrolcl Avenue, San Francisco.
The Redwood rvas supplied by Hammond & Little River Reclu'ood Company.
Lumbermen Will Hold Frolic
The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club will hold a Frolic at the summer home of F. Dean Prescott, general manager of the Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, on Saturday and Sunday, June 6-7, at Twin Brooks, whi'ch is located in the mountains about fifty miles east of Fresno.
Fruit Growers' mette Carrier for
Willamette Carrier
Supply Co. recently bought a new Willatheir Susanville, Calif., plant.