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Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany






Lumbermen's Golf Tournament Brings Out Big Crowd

The Lumbermen's Golf Tournament held at the Baldwin Hills Golf Club, Los Angeles, Friday, May 15, brought out a good crowd, 85 teeing off during the afternoon. The tournament was sponsored by the Lumbermen's post, No. 403, of the A,merican Legion.

About 100 were present for dinner which was served in the Club House at 7:OO p.m. and was followed by the presentation of the prizes. Russell Gheen was master of ceremonies, and Ed Biggs announced the golf winners and awarded the prizes. A Hawaiian string trio provided a fine musical prog'ram during the dinner and in the evening.

The American Legion Cup, donated by the Lumbermen,s Post, was won by Ray Whiteside who turned in a low gross score of 75.

The Wholesalers' Cup, donated by the Los Angeles Wholesale Lumber Association, the fiist prize in the First Flight, was won by Hervey Bowles. Earl Jamison won second prize, a dozen golf balls, and Roy Stanton, third prize, a sweater.

The Redwood Cup, donated by Hammond & Little River Redwood Co. and Union Lumber Company, first prize in the Second Flight, was won by E. G. (Dave) Davis. Henrv Pries won second prize, a leather zippet bag, and Dick Emison, third prize, a sweater.

The Hardwood Cup, donated by American Lumber Co. and Brush Industrial Lumber Co., first prize in the Third Flight, rvas won by W. W. Herron. T. B. Lawrence won the second prize, a dozen golf balls ,and W. E. Davis, third prize, a sport shirt.

The Retailers' Cup, donated by the Building Material Dealers' Credit Club of Santa Barbara, first prize in the Fourth Flight, was won by Bill Chantland. Frank Harrison of Santa Barbara, secretary of the Association, made the presentation speech. Milton Taenzer won second prize, a leather zipper bag, and Carl Chytrus, third prtze, a sweater.

To gain permanent possession of the cups, they must be won twice.

The committee that arranged for the affair included: Ed Biggs, Chairman: I-eo Hubbard, H. R. Cozier, Roy Sandefur, Ross Blanchard, Harry Graham, Frank Burnaby, Frank Park, E. Steffensen, Jack Thomas, Stuart Smith, Dick Loveday, Clint Laughlin, "C^ppy" Slade, W. R. McWilliams, W. T. Davies,."Friday" Freeland, Russell Gheen, Bill Chantland, Frank Harrison, C. Reenders and Ed Martin.

New Plywood Plant In Tacoma

Northwest Door Company, Tacoma, has recently completed construction of a Douglas Fir plywood plant with a ,capacity of 3,000,000 feet per month. Herman Tenzler is president of Northwest Door Company.


The S. S. Samoa, owned by the Hammond Shipping Company, has been ,chartered by the Wheeler-Hallock Co. of Portland, Ore., for use in the coastwise lumber trade.

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