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JackDionne,fult*t u

tncorpmtra rnd. th. hn ol Gdlfcdr

J. C. Dlona, Prca and Tnrri J. E Mrrttq Vlc.-Pt!&t lL A&D., S.ctttary Pubtlhd th. rtt ltd ISIL ol caA noth rt !r&l!-t Ccatnl BuI.$rs, lot Wa.t Shttr Strut, LB ArgaL:' Cd., Tdcn[oqq VAuflc fSas Entcnd r Scod-clarr mattor Scntcmbcr E, lr?2, rt tbc Pct OIffGG .t t-c Angalce, Cdlfot:d!" rudcr Act ol llrrch t' fftt.

Subrcription Pricc, $2.110 pcr Ycu Sin3lc Copicr,25 ccntr cech.

How Lumber Looks

2fi) down and operating mills in Oregon and Vashington which reported to the West Coast Lumberments Association for the week ended May 16, produced lJ6,3601702 feet of [umber. The industry produced 7O.a per cent of its avetage weekly cut during 1926-1929. New business rePo'rted by tihese mills was 123rE50rlEE feet, and shipments were 11916211678 fleet The unfilled order file * ,h;x".-rls stood at 435,842,O35 fet.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended May 16e 119 mills rqrorting, gave new business as 681449100o feeg ship' ments 6018931000 feet, and production72r633$O0 feet. Orders werc 5.7 per cent below production, and 12.4 per cent above shipments. Shipments wete 16.1 per cent below production. Orden on hand at t{re end of the week totaled 251,6O5'0/JO feet'

The California Redwood Association fot the same week reported production from 13 mills as 8r980'fi)O feet, rhipments

7,t4grooo- feeg and new business 7r907r0fi) feet. Orders on


John J. Helm, formerly with Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland, is now a member of the Santa Fe Lumber Company's sales staff, covering the San Francisco Bay district.

Returns From Eastern Trip

C. D. Terwilliger, vice-president and general manager of Clover Valley Lumber Co., Loyalton, one of the most ,consistent air travelers, returned recently f,rom a two weeks' business trip to Chicago, made both ways by the air route.

hand at the end of the w1k lotaled 48,895,000 feet.

Building operations continue active in California. Buying by the yards has slowed up during the past few weeks, the yards havfurg bought heevy a few monthc ago and the lumber ship. menta are now arriving. Lumber cargo arrivals at Loe Angeleg harbor of Fir and Redwood combined for the week ended May 23 totaled, 24,W,OOO feeg pracically all the stock arriving is being mor'ed at once to the yards or direct to the job.

The Redwood market is about t{re same; t{rere is a good volume of business and prices are fitm. Fir mill prices are reported firm. The \ffestern pine mills report a fair demand for yard stock and shop lumber, and No. 2 common and selats continue to be the firmest items on the list.

Setdement of the Columbia Basin logging camp dispute was postponed again on Mlay 27, when a propooal to eliminate the hiring hall question, only rcmaining point of controversn drew objections from the union workers.

Visit Mill

Henry Hink, sales manager, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, and Ed Seward, Southern California representative with headquarters in Los Angeles, were recent visitors to the company's sawmill at Eureka.

Back From Northwest

G. F. "Jerry" Bonnington, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, returned May 30 from a two weeks' automobile trip to the Northwest where he visited the firms sawmill connections. Mrs. Bonnington accompanied him on the trip.



Now available from our newly purchased permanent location 820 East 6oth Steet - Los Angeles, Calif.

Nearly a milion feet carried in sixty sizes and grades for your convenience. \trfhy take a chance when FROSTBRAND costs no more.

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