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Kiln Dried Shingles for California

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By Barrett Sales Manager, Fisk a

The recent maritime strike on the Pacific Coast has caused several radical changes in the Red Cedar shingle industry in California.

The most radical change, and the one most likely to remain with us the longest, if not permanently, is the change from green shingles to kiln dried shingles. This, of course, is primarily due to rail rates based on dty shingles as against water rates on heavy, green shingles. But what about the real value of dry shingles?

As a matter of fact this market of ours is one of the few which calls for a green, wet, shingle. Practically all other markets have been using kiln dried shingles for years r'r'ith satisfactory results. Our shingle applicators, or shinglers as they are more commonly called, have been mostly responsible for this propaganda for green shingles. It is so much easier to drive them on the roof, so much easier to cut and trim them for valleys, hips, and ridges, and it is still easier to lay them tight, one against the other, than it is to space them with an allotvance for expansion. It is only natural that the shinglers continually preach to the general public and to the general contractor the use of green shingles.

Hanawalt Mason, Pasadena, Calif.

When you stop to think that here in California we have practically the only spot in our country where the shingling is being done by a group who term themselves shinglers, who do nothing else but this, and who travel from job to job specializing in applying only wood shingles, is it any wonder that their influence is felt? In other localities. carpenters lay the shingles in the ,course of their job, and be'cause they are being paid day work rather than piece work do not mind taking the proper time to space them, cut them, and properly nail then.

Give this territory a few more months of kiln dried shingles for the shinglers to become more accustomed to the feel of them, to realize that dry shingles are even more easily laid than green ones. Already the resistance to them is becoming less as the men are acquiring a new habit of spacing properly, are appreciating the ease of getting them on the roof, and are not calling every dry shingle they pick up a piece of dead wood as they did at first.

It is certainly true, too, that dry shingles arrive generally in much better condition by rail than by vessel, that the bundles are in better condition, easier to handle, and a much more salable article.


Douglas Fir Lumber Ply*o"d and

California Distributors for ttMaltese Crogstt Brand

\Vestern Red Cedar Lumbet and Shingles

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