7 minute read

,,\MHO'S WHO''

Harry C. McGahey

Harry C. McGahey, manager of the San Diego Lumber Company, San Diego, Calif., needs no introduction to the California lumber trade. He has been connected with the lumber business in San Diego for the past eighteen years, and is one of the best knou,n and most popular lumbermen in the stare.

Ffe lvas born in Texas and went to school in Ft. Worth. Texas. and in Emporia, Kansas.

Harry went to work for the BenHany C. McGahey son Lumber Company in San Diego in 1919, serving that concern in many capacities in the yard, mill and office.

In 1922, he became affiliated with the San Diego l-umber Llompany, well known retail lumber firm, as a salesman, and on January l, 1930, he was appointed manag'er, succeeding Albert A. Frost, rvho resigned to look after his other interests.

He served rvith the United States Marines during the World War.

For relaxation Harry takes to outdoor sports. He likes to fish and hunt, in fact, he is a devotee of all kinds of sports, but admits that football is his weakness. During the football season, he is an interested spectator at manv of the major collegiate games.

He is married and has three children, two boys and a claughter.

Harry is friendly and cordial, enthusiastic about his job, and is a progressive lumber executive.

Add New Salesman

Tom Bone has joined the sales staff of the San Pedro Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and will cover the Los Angeles, Long Beach and Santa Monica territory. He was formerly r,vholesale salesman for the Valley Lumber Co., Fresno.

Short Lengths from the Retail Yards

Roy I\Ieyers, formerly marlager of the Peoples Lumber Company at Ventura, has been transferred to the company's 1'ard at Oxnard as manag'er. Harry Riley is assistant manager.

Walter Riley, rvho has been managing the Oxnard yard, has been transferred to Ventura, where he will be purchasing agent for the company.

James R. Henderson, who has been connected with company as salesman, has been appointed manager of Ventura yard.

Jack Mulcahey, Ariz., spent a few of May.

Mulcahey Lumber Company, Tucson, weeks in Los Angeles during the month

Central Lumber Company, office and will have a large the items carried in stock.

Madera Lumber Company, office building to house their

Hales & Symons, Inc., at their yard in Sonora. present office.

Hanford, are remodeling their room for displaying many of are opening a new office building The new structure adioins their

Madera, are building a new offices and display room.

Herbert Berry recently resigned his position with the Oakland Lumber Company, Oakland, to go with San Leandro Mill & Lumber Company, San Leandro.

Bob Grant, Jr., is now with Oakland Oakland. as citv salesman. Lumber Company,

Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Company, Pasadena, is on a trip to Skorvhegan, Maine. He plans to visit New York, Boston and other eastern cities. He will return about the middle of lune.

H. R. Chapman, Chapman les, has returned from a trip Lumber Company, Los Angeto Boulder Dam.


HlcH GRADE HARDWOODS-Dmestic woods: Ash, Beech, Birch, Gun, Hickory, Magoolia, Meple, Oa&, Porplrr, Warut, uak ud MrDL Floorflt. FOREIGN WOODS: Apttqu, Balca, SFni.h Ccdar, Eboy' Spottad Gu' Irubirk, Joiscro, Liguu Vitac, Mahoeruy, Priuvra' Rewood Sirn Tcls


Olftce Interiors Demonstratc the Beauty of Redwood Paneling

Redrvood Export Company, foreign trade division of the California Redwood industry, recently moved into a suite of three rooms in the Financial Center Building, San Francisco, finished completely in three distinct types of commercial Redwood paneling, available at moderate cost to both the domestic and foreign trade.

Fl,undreds of visitors already have had an opportunity to examine the possibilities of paneling with strictly commer'cial grade Redlvood, both in wide and narrow vertical boards and rvide horizontals, rvhere fineness of texture and blending of color add charm to busy surroundings.

The oflices were designed by Lawrence J. Klein, a member of the technical staff of the California Redwood Association, and the mill rvork completed by J. Rehm & Co., San Francisco builders.

Redrvood \l'as used in every detail, including the walls, venetian blinds, floor blocks and built-in features.

Redwood has long been one of the notable woods for paneling in homes and has been used widely in ofifices in California as rvell as many eastern cities. Non-commercial grades, such as curly redrvood and redwood burl, were used often in the past. Paneling in the new Redwood Export Company suite is confined strictly to commercial grade redwood, offering outstanding proof of the pra,cti,cability and beauty of such interiors. Photographs are by Roger Sturtevant.

AccessibleNo Tough

The San Pedro whilesale vard of the San Pedro Luiber

Cornpany is on a main highway-no dangOrous hauling or rough roads to boost your pickup costs. Time saved is rrroney in your pocket. , , -'

Hauling SAN

Pddbo Lu

lB00-A Wihnington

Telephone, San Pedro 22fi)

Publication Orders Show House Building Interest

A recent indication of the tremendous current interest in small hom'e building comes to attention in the records of publications requests received during the past month by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. Out of a total distribution of more than two thousand five hundred publications distributed in the past thirty days, one thousand sixty-nine were on small home building topics. Leading in this list of requests received were, "fnteresting Small Flomes," "For l{ome Lovers," "I{ouse for Growing Income," "Modernizing Pictorial," "Wood Floors," Ceilings of Wood," "House Framing Details," "Stronger Frame Walls," "Wood Construction," "Wood Handbook," "Mellow Wood Interiors," "Wood'Walls," "Lumber Grade-Use Guide," "Wood Structural Design Data," "Windows and Heat Costs," "Federal Housing Administration Technical Bulletin No. 4," "Exhibit Houses," and "Soft Warm Beauty of Paneling." It is interesting to note also that a third of the requests for booklets of this kind came from engineers, architects and contractors. Another third came from individuals interested in house construction, about one-twelfth from the lumber industry and the balance from schools and libraries.

In large demand also has been the "Book of Facts" covering termite control, for which the total distribution to date runs 19.625.

From the joint retail merchandising service report for February, March and April of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, we see also the same trend toward

fo, Your Truck

Douglcr FirRedwoodPonderore PineSpruce Douglas Flr Plywoods

CenentUSG PlasterUSG Rock Lath

15 lb. FeltS K and Sicalkraft - Building Papcr

Roofing - Building MaterialsIngulation - Ncilg

Vire Products - Corrugated ShcetsMetal Lath


Roado San Pedro, Calif.

Los Angeles Telephone, PRospect 4341 small home interest. Through this department in these three months, more than22,Offi copies of "Soft Warm Beauty of Paneling" have been sold and distributed. Mats for use of newspaper editors in connection with advertising lumber producers and small home building, have had a record sale of 1,742 and the booklet, "Interesting Small Homes" has been sent to 1,642 potential home builders.

The syndicated homestead features issued weekly by the N.L.M.A. Public Information Department, upon order to newspapers now goes into 115 newspapers each week. Editors who are using this feature report a consistent return of inquiries from their retailers who want to know about small homes and small home financing. Certainly there has never been for many years a more obvious opportunity for good business in lumber than at present.

Philippine Mahogany Annual Meeting


The annual meeting of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Association, Inc., will be held Monday, June 14, at the offices of the corporation, Room 1034, Board of Trade Building, Los Angeles, for the purpose of hearing reports of officers, electing officers for the ensuing year, and transacting other Association business.

Attends Convention At Eureka

Frank Beaver, Graves Company, Los Angeles, was a delegate to the Spanish-American War Veterans convention recently held at Eureka. Mr. Beaver is commander of the Los Angeles Post, which has a membership of 3,000.


Let me live out my years in heat of blood !

Let me die drunken with the dreamers wine !

Let me not see this soul-house built of mud

Go toppling to the dust-a broken shrine.

Let me go quickly-like a candle light

Snuffed out just at the heydey of its glow.

Give me high noon-and let it then be night !

Thus would I go !

And grant that when I face the grisly Thing, My song may trumpet down the gray Perhaps.

Let me as a tune-swept fiddle string

That feels the Master-Melody-and snaps !

(From "The Quest" by Macmillan).

He Must Be Scotch

Nurse: "Whom are they operating on today?"

Orderly: "A fellow who had a golf batrl knocked down his throat at the links."

"And who is the man waiting so nervously in the hall? A relative?"

"No, that's the golfer. He's waiting for his ball."

-National Motorist.

The Law

The law should be loved a little because it is felt to be just; feared a little because it is severe; hated a little because it is to a certain degree out of sympathy with the prevalent temper of the day; and respected because it is felt to be a necessity.-Emile Fourget.

Not What He Thought

"Jack, dear," she murmured, "I hardly know how to tell you, but soon-soon-there will be a third sharing our little love nest."

"My darling," he cried, "are you certain?"

"Positive," she replied, "I had a letter from mother this afternoon, saying she is coming to live with us next week."

There is a chord in every heart that has a sigh in it if touched aright.-Ouida.


He started off at dawn for summer campHow long he had been waiting for this day ! Our little lad, whose face stiLl bears the stamp Of babyhood; who has never been away From home at night; who hove a heavy pack

To boyish shoulders, suddenly squared with pride; Departed, laughing, not once looking backI'm glad he didn't know, his mother cried. Dear Father-God, take special care of himIIe's very trusting, and he is so young, Return him sun-bronzed, sturdy, sound of limb; With songs of wind and water on his tongue; With friends, adventure, camp-fire dreams to prize; With memories of mountains in his eyes.


Dressing The Garbage

"Anne Mae," said the mistress of the house, finally giving way to curiosity, "I notice you have been taking our empty grapefruit hulls home with you. What do you do with them?"

The Negro maid looked up at her mistress with a sheepish grin. "Yes'm," she admitted, "I'se been carrying 'em home. I think they makes my garbage look so stylish."

Life is made up with sobs, sniffles and smiles with sniffles predominating.-O. Henry.

A Chinese Tragedy

Little Ah Fooie

No hear chooie chooie

Go tooie tooie:


The Top Sergeant

The top sergeant sang out just before the company was dismissed: "All those fond of music step two paces forward."

With visions of a soft job in the regimental band, half a dozen men stepped out.

The sergeant growled: "Now then, you six mugs, get busy and carry that piano up to the top foor of the officers' quarters."

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