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Armstrong Appoints Pacific Coast \(/holesale Distributors

Announcement has been made by the Armstrong Cork Produ,cts Company of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, of the appointments of the California Builders Supply Company of Oakland, the Warren and Bailey Company of Los Angeles, and the Pioneer Sand and Gravel Company of Seattle, as w'holesale distributors of Armstrong's line of Temlok produ,cts. These in,clude Armstrong's Temlok Building Insulation, including boar'd, sheathing and lath; Temlok De Luxe, Interior Fnishes, Temboard and Temwood produ,cts, and adhesives.

Branch offices directing the sale of Armstrong's Temlok products are located in San Francisco, with F. K. Pinney in charge; Los Angeles, C. B. Sauer, manager, and Seattle, R. S. Near, manager.

The popular Temlok De Luxe insulating board, which is available in planks, panels and tiles in six factory-finished colors, will be advertised with other Armstrong products in The California Lumber Merchant. With this smooth-surface material available in six attractive factory-finish colors: walnut, coral, ash, green, cream and white, dealers can more easily sell the idea of low-cost insulation. In addition, the dealer's market is expanded since he is provided with a material to offer for interiors which would otherwise be finished wtith plaster or plaster and wallpaper.

In the manufacture of insulation, Armstrong's experience covers a long period of years. Since the turn of the century, Armstrong has been making and installing corkboard insulation for industrial and commercial plants, cold storage rooms and warehouses, dairy and ice,cream plants, packing plants, and fur storag'es and for all types of buildings throughout the country.

More than one billion board feet of Armstrong's Corkboard have been produced in Armstrong's factories. Temlok is Armstrong's answer to the need for an efficient, dependable insulating material, low enough in'cost to make it practical for the less severe conditions encountered in homes, farm stru.ctures, and other general applications where insulation is desirable.

Temlok is fabricated from heartwood fibres of the longleaf southern yellow pine, still super-charged with resin. The resin impregnation of the fibres gives to Temlock the high resistan,ce to moisture necessary for an insulation that is to remain lastingly efficient.

Temlok's moisture-resistance is important be'cause moisture condu,cts heat rapidly. Hen,ce an insulating material, no matter how efificient under laboratory tests of bone-dry material whi,ch readily absorbs moisture becomes "short-

(Continued on Page 18)

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