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Factory-applied colors help sell Tetnlok De Lure on sight. Armstrong's new Temlok De Luxe Interior Finishes come from the factory with a smooth surface finished in six beautiful colors. These popular shades of ash, coral, creamr gr€€D' walnut, and white make it possible to insulate and decorate with one material. Customers are quick to appreciate this unique advantage of Temlok De Luxe insulating finishes.

Ideal Jor eaeryt' type of interior, Temlok De Luxe can be used equally well for either re-modeling or new construction. Furnished in boards, planks, tiles, panels, battens, and border strips, this versatile insulating interior finish helps to create attractive and unusual decorative efiects. It is easily cemented in place with Armstrong's Adhesives.

Vholesaler plan assures quick dalioery of Temlok in all parts of the country. By this plan, Armstrong makes it possible for you to carry small inventories and still be able to fill large orders promptly. Get the full story of the money-making advantages ofrered by Temlok De Luxe. Mail the coupon at right today for complete details.

Armstrong Appoints Pacific Coast Andy Donovan Back in Lumber Game \(/holesale Distributors

(Continued from Page 16) circuitecl," and quickly loses much of its efficiency as a non-conductor of heat. With the ability to resist the deteriorating effect of the unseen moistnre ahvays present in the air, Temlok provicles continued insulating efficiencv, comfort and fuel saviugs for as long as the house stancls.

Obviously the primary requirement of an insulating rnaterial is efficiency in retarcling the passage of heat. A oneinch thickness of Ternlok has the sarne ability to stop heat as a wall of concrete approximatelv trvb feet thick. In addition to insulating elficiency, horvever, Temlok ofiers other important advantages. It is structurally strong and rigid; light in r,veight; does not promote mold or bacterial growth; it ofiers a good key for plaster; has a pleasing appearance; possesses acoustical properties; is uniform in quality ; is easily sau'ed and nailed or cemented into place; and is reasonable in cost.

The custom of using adhesives for the erection of insulating interior finishes has shou'n rapid development. This method is satisfactory for use over plaster, solicl rvood surfaces or furring strips in either new or old construction. It aids fast and accurate application as well at neat workmanship. Armstrong's Adhesives rvere cleveloped especiallv to complement Temlok interior finishes.

Entertains Business Associates

Charles Bonestel, general manager of the Peoples Lurnber Company, Ventura, celebrating his fortieth anniversary of service with the company, entertained the directors, managers and assistant managers at a barbecue held at his Meiners Oaks home, Monday, May 17.

The following guests attended: Directors, Leonard Corbett, Ventura ; Milton Teague, Santa Paula; G. W. Mallory, Ojai; C. A. Lind, Ventura; H. H. Eastwood, Oxnard; managers and assistant managers, H. B. Carver, secretary, Santa Paula; Jack Cline, Santa Paula; Fred Reeder, Fillmore; R. G. Brown, Ojai; W. F. King, Santa Susanna; R. H. Myers, Oxnard; H. E. Riley, Oxnard; J. R. Henderson, Ventura ; Walter Riley, Ventura; and l{ou'ard Shippee, Ventura.

Hobbs Wall & Co. announces the appointment of A. \\r. (Andy) Donovan as its Southern Califorr.ria representative, cffective June 1. The olfice n'ill be at 625 Rorvan Building, Los Angeles. Tl-re telephone number is TRinit.v 5088.

Andy, as he is best known to his manl' friends, has been associated rvlth the lumber business for rnanl- years, starting out rvith C. A. Hooper & Co. of San Francisco, at their Recls'ood mills at llardy Creek, Calif., in 19O4. During l9O7 ancl l9O8 he rn'as rvith the Spring Valley Lumber Co. of San Francisco. He then attendecl Colorado College, class of 1912, where he studied Forestry, and had wide experience with U. S. Forest Service in Colorado and Wyoming from 1909 to 1912 inclusive in colrnection u'ith his engineering studies.

During the World War, he u'as in the arml' for nearlrtwo years and rvas a Captain rvith the Engineering Corps. He spent over a year overseas and rvhile in France lvas Construction Officer at Camp l-angres.

Ife was with the Union Lumber Cornpany in their Los Angeles office on Redwood sales from 1919 to 1926. lfe resigned to become Southern California representative for Hobbs Wall & Co. and rvas rvith this firm until 1932. Andy says the late depression and ovorseeing a "dead horse" got too much for him in 1933 and he assumed an irnportant position as construction engineer and superintendent u'ith the Bureau of Engineering, City of Los Angeles, directly under Lloyd Aldrich, city engineer, whicl-r position he filled very satisfactorily.

His many lumber friencls in Southern Califorrtia are glacl to see him resuming his lumber activities.


Alfred L. Stockton, 58, owner and president of the A. I-. Stockton Lumber Company, Daly City, died in Daly Citlon May 23.He was City Treasurer of Daly City for 21 years.

Mr. Stockton had been in the retail lun.rber business for 3l years. lIe was Past I\{aster of Crocker I-odge No. 454, F.&A.M.

He is survir.ecl by his rvidorv, Mrs. Florence Stockton, trvo daughters, \{arjorie and Florence Stockton; a son, Alfred Stockton; a sister, Eleanor Stockton, and three brothers, James, Louis and Arthur Stockton.

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