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Wholesale Salesman Wanted

Lumberman with sp,lendid background of more than twenty years experience in manufacturing, wholesale and retail, is seeking a position. 43 years old, single. Experienced in wholesale and retail buying, accounting, correspondence, estimating, counter work, etc. Over two years Los Angeles experience. Will go anywhere for a fairly decent salary. Address Box C-668 California Lumber Merchant.

Want Retail Yard

Located on good street. Prefer Southeast of Los Angeles. No expensive buildings nor equipment. Will pay Cash. Under $10,000.00. Submit details. Address Box C-667, Califo4tnia Lumber Merchant.


By well acquainted California lumberman, who oughly experienced in the wholesale business and yard mamager. Address Box C{70, California Merchant.

From the Ten Years

Want high class man familiar with wholesale trade. Splendid opportunity selling yards and industries in Southern California. Pine, Fir, Hardwoods and Special Items. Address Box C-669. California Lumber Merchant.

Retail Yards For Sale

Los Angeles yard doing $10,000 monthly business. Real estate, buildings and all eguipment $5,700. Stock at inventory.

Yard in Coast city doing $15,000 monthly business. Leased ground. Improvements $6,000. Equipment $4,000. Stock at inventory.

Both these yards are Twohy Lumber Co., leum Securities Bldg., 8746.

exceptionally good buys. Lumber Yard Brokers. 549 PetroLos Angeles. Telephone PRospect

The South City Lumber & Supply Co., South San Francisco, has been moved into its nerv plant. The mill building is 70x120 feet and equipped with new machinery. Adjoining the mill is a dry shed 30x1,l0 feet and a warehouse 3Ox50 feet.

A. D. M,cKinnon, will be a delegate to at Ostend, Belgium, three months.

McKinnon's Lumber Yard, Hollister, the Rotary International Convention on June 5. He rvill be arvay about illustrated article orr sawmill operations at is thoras retail Lumber the BoothSpringfield

A big, ner.v modern sawmill in the Philippine Islands, a new rvharf and a battery of dry kilns at their coast yard; nerv and ,complete equipment for manufacturing panels o{ Philippine mahogany and hardrvoods at the'ir big Los Angeles plant, are some of the accomplishments under way or recently completed by the Cadwallader-Gibson Company of Los Angeles.

This issue ,carries an Kelly Lumber Company and Wendling, Ore.

The Central California Lumbermen's Club met at the Tracy fnn, Tracy, on Saturday, May 14. George Good was chairman of the meeting. B. S. Crittenden, a member of the State Legislature, r,r'as the speaker of the day.

"Possibilities of Securing Cooperation from the Lumber Industry in the Better Farm Structures Movement," by Max Cook, Farmstead Engineer, is the title of an article printed in this number.

One of the finest uses for Redrvood der-eloped in recent years is for Redwood blocks for flooring purposes for use in factory, industrial and other buildings rvhere there is heavy usage and much wear and tear. The Sears-Roebuck & Company building at Los Angeles has been floored throughout with Redwood blo,cks, the order for this one building amounting to more than 90O,00O feet of Redwood. The order was sold by the Union Lumber Company.

The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club met at the Hotel Californian, Fresno, May 14. A. J. Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, and a mernber of the Club, presented W. K. Kendrick of the Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, with a nerv $50.00 bill for rvinning first prize in the "Questions and Answers" Contest which he conducted for retail dealers.

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