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Random Items Mill Run
A. J. "Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., returned to San Francisco, May D, f.rom a ten dayp trip to the Northwest, in the course of which he visited the operations of the Central Coal & Coke Co., Vernonia, Ore., and the Western Lumber Co. at Westfir. Ore.
Operating Board of Fruit Growers Supply Lumber Division Visits Mills
The operating board of Lumber Division of the Fruit Growers Supply Co. recently completed an inspection of the company's mills at Susanville and Hilt. The party arrived in Sdn Francisco from Los Angeles on June 7, leaving that evening for Susanville, going on from there to Hilt, and returning to San Francisco, June 12.
Those composing the party were: C. C. Teague, president; W. K. Beattie, chairman; H. B. McClure; H. A. Lynn; D. C. Crookshank; M. H. Butcher; E. A, Beck; R. L. Willits; W. W. Wilson; R. L.Knox; R. H. Shoemaker; F. B. Hutchens, manager of Lumber Divisior; A. S. Painter, manager of Lands, Tax and Insurance and B. W. Adams, sales manager.
New Manager At Richvale
Hirman L. Weitz is now manager of the Richvale yard of The Diamond Match Co.
Union Aviation Gas Used by Australian Fliers
San .Francisco, June 8.-Union Aviation Gasoline wds used in the greatest all-ocean flight in historyJ4l4 miles, from America to Australia, by Charles Kingsford-Smith and his three valiant comrades in their big monoplane, the Southern Cross, it was announced here today by A. C. Galbraith, an official of the Union Oil Company.
Mr. Galbraith recently returned from a trip to Honolulu, Suva and Australian points, where he made arrang'ements for refueling the plane.
"Captain Kingsford-Smith, commander of the flight, regarded gasoline as a silent but all-important partner in the flight. Naturally we are proud that a California-made product selected after exhaustive tests, contributed to the success of the flight," said Mr. Galbraith.
Giving Away Redwood
One of the Re.dwood manufacturers is giving away pieces of Redwood, small it is true, but big enough to show how this wood will work and stay put. The pieces are onesixteenth of an inch thick, 2 in. wide and 3 in. long, S4S. These are being used as'business cards by the salesmen of The Pacific Lumber Company.
Keeps m wcking' sving tine' labr and yad rm Ncw grumbles c corpla&rs. Wtth one-half the ordinary crry wlll plle nore ihan lC,ll0 fcet of lumber u hour, reducing nanpiler requftd mrtdallf. Prerentr dmagc to lrunbcr and facilitater dryloc.
Small pwcr cqt fc ofcnto; equlpped wlth ctthar garollna c el*trlc mota. Cs whcelr c truck wheelr. "Jac&-knlfa" unlcdlng am, new roller drlvechaln.
Write fc llteretue ard full particulara regardlng tltr ctudy' reliable pro,fit-pll6.