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Francisco Millmen
Will Goddard Manager
J. A. Hart, Hart & Burmeister, the well known San Francisco millman was elected to serve for a second term as President of the San,Francisco Branch of Millwork Institute of California at a meeting held on June 1. Will Goddard assumed the management of the San Francisco office on June 1. They rnaintain offices at ll79 Market Street, San Francisco.
J. G. Kennedy, Pacific Manufacturing Co. was elected Vice-presi- dent. Five directors were also elected. These are: Harry Gaetjen, Empire Planing Mill; Charles Monson, Acme Planing Mill; Emory Nutting, Herring & Nutting; Robert Leishman, Redwood Manufacturers Co. and C. E. Reinhart, Reinhart Lumber & Planing Mill.
Plywood Representatives Meet at Jonathan Club
Distributors of plywoods in the Los Angeles district, together with their sales representatives, held a luncheon meeting at the Jonathan Club, Wednesday, June 6. Over 5O attended the luncheon. Harry V. Hanson, California Panel & Veneer Co., acted as chairman of the meeting. Mr. Hanson gave an interesting talk on the plyw,ood industry, after which Bob Osgood, Wheeler-Osgood Co., showed a two reel moving picture on the manufacturing of Laminex Doors at the Wheeler-Osgood plant at Tacoma, Wash.
Redwood Exhibit at Barker Bros.
The California Redw,ood Association have an interesting display in the llome Furnishing Department at Barker Brothers, Los Angeles, rvhich in,cludes soffre beautiful photographs of attractive Redwood work. The exhibit will be on display at Barker Brothers for about ten days, after which it will be moved to the Los Angeles Public Library. R. F. Hammatt, San Francisco, Secretary-Manager of the Association, was visitor at the exhibit last week.