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Hoo Hoo News
Hoo Hoo to Cavort at Fall River Mills
The Annual Hoo Hoo Frolic and Concatentation to be held at Fall River Mills, Shasta County, Cal., on Jane 23 and 24, promises to be a wonderful party. An attendance of more than 500 is expected as indiCa'ted by the responses already received. Westwood Club No. 38 is sponsoring these get-together meetings, with the active assistance of the other California Clubs. Parson Simpkin will preside at the Concatenation. Snark of the lJniverse, James M. Brown and Supreme Bojum, Fred Roth, together with many other state and national officers, will attend.
Jack Shere, Invitation Committee, requests that all Hoo Hoo attend and bring their families, also that all Hoo Hoo Clubs send along some Kittens to have their eyes opened. Reservations should be made through Jack Shere,: Vicegerent Snark and Secretary of Westwood Hoo Hoo Club No. 38, Westw,ood, California.
A new committee to supervise the public playground at McCloud was appointed by President C. B- Daveney for the coming year at a meeting of the Club recently hCld at Pondosa. The committee will consist of R. E. Ferral, chairman, L. R. Heryford and V. N. Feldhausen.
The Peninsula Hoo Hoo Club met at the Gumwood Inn, Falo Alto, on Monday evening, May 28. Following dinner, there was a business session. Prof. Harold Hotelling, Stanford University, was the speaker of the evening, his subject being, "Some Mathematical Problems in Business."
' Lieutenant Cornmander George O. Noville, flight engineer with Commander Byrd on the historic trans-Atlantic !t-ig!t in the "Arnerica" from New York to France-in April, 1927,7hrilled members of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo elub with his story of .the flight, at the regular meeting of the club held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, May 24.
Being Chas. R. McCormick Day, J. Walter. Kelly was chairman of the day. Introducing the speaker, Mr.-Kelly said that it was indeed a privilege to have an address from a man who has had a large part in making history, who fought on both French and I.talian fronts in the wir, and who was third in command of Commander Bvrd's North Pole flight, and who, he was glad to say is now making San Francisco his home, having become associated with thi Standard Oil Company.
,President Bert Johnson announced that there will be no lu_ncheon meetings held between June 14, and September 13.
To Spend Vacation In Hawaiian Islands
-Miss_May Powers, Secretary to Jo H. Shepard, Manager of the Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento, will leive !_an {pnc_isco on lune 20 for an extended trip to the Hawaiian Islands. Miss Powers will be one of a-party of f9u1 ygung ladies, among whom will be her visitor, Miss Christine Powers of Stocftton.
First Evening Meeting Of East Bay Hoo Ttoo Club Draws Good Crowd
The first evening meeting of the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club, No. 39, was held at the Florence Restaurant, Oakland, May 14, and, there wlas such a good attendance that Milt Hendrickson, who presided gave it as his opinion that the innovation was going to prove popular with East Bay lumbermen, and particularly those whose places of business are at some distance from the center of the city.
A special Italian dinner was enjoyed, accompanied by accordion music in the best Italian stvle.
Hank Didesch, managing director of the Millwork Institute was a visitor, and he told a couple of good stories.
Rod Hendrickson also told some stories. and there was a presentation by Milt Hendrickson of birthday presents to all members present whose birthdays came in March, April and May.
Bert Bryan, Strable Hardwood Company, gave a brief talk in which he suggested that a little cooperation by those present would solve all their difficulties.
A short talk by Past Snark of the lJniverse Dick Hiscox concluded the meeting.
Lumbermen to Play Golf
Jack Thomas, Chairman of the l-os Angeles Hoo Hoo Club Golf Committee. announces that the next tournament will be held at the Brentwood Golf and Country Club, Friday afternoon, June 22. The tournament is open to all Iumbermen in Southern California. Visiting lumbermen are especially invited to attend and take part in the tournament. Among the prizes to be played for are the Ro11 Stanton and Frank Curran Cups. Sperial 'prizes will dlso be awarded to the winners of the Flight events. The following members of the 'committee are assisting Chairman Thomas: Paul Hill, A. L. If,oover, Roy Stanton, Ed Betts, A. L. Sailor and J. E. Martin. Follo#ing the tournament, there will be a banquet and entertainment program at the Club House
Bay District Hoo Hoo To Hold Concat
_ Vicegerent Snark, C. I. Speer of the San Francisco Bay District announces that a concatenation will be held on Tuesday evening, .June 19, at the Hotel Oakland, Oakland. All members are urged to bring a Kitten. The program calls for a banquet, entertainment and concatenation. A big crowd are expected to attend.
J. W. Fletcher and W. P. Frambes, Los Angeles,'accom- panied by Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Fram,bCs and little "Billy" Frambes, were recent visitors at the mill of the McCloud River Lurnber Co-, McCloud, Cal., where they spent a felv days as guests of the company. They reported an enjoyable trip. Fletcher & Frambes are the r-epreientatives of the McCloud River Lumber Co. in Southein California and Arizona.
Philip Garland Visits Los Angeles
Philip Garland, Secretary-Treasurer of the Tacoma Veneer Co., Tacoma, Wash., was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent several dar.s on business matters. He also conferred with officials of the California panel & Veneer Co., which concern represent their interests in the Los Angeles territory.
Pioneer Paper Co. Announces Advanced Dealer Cooperation Policy
Announcement of an advanced policy of dealer cooperation, to widen the scope of their operation and to enable them to guarantee satisfaction to the consumer of all roofing products manufactured by the company, has been made by the Pioneer Paper Company of Los Angeles.
The statement of J. H. Plunkett, general manager, revealed that while in the past the dealer's function has been practically restricted to the supplying of materials after the home-our'ner or prospective builder had decided what kind of a roof he wanted, in future the official dealer representatiVe of the Pioneer company will act in a supply and advisory capacity for both the buyer and the Pioneer shingle application company.
Dealers in each community throughout the eleven west. ern states will now carry a full line of all the company's products, Plunkett explained, to carry into effect this new policy. In this manner the buyer will have the full assortment to choose from, and the price for the completed roof, instead of for the materials only, will ,be quoted, the dealer then calling in the local shingle company to apply the roof on terms desired by the purchaser.
This is the first time such a comprehensive state-wide sales plah as this has been put into effect by any similar
California industry, the executive declared, and completes the service system launched three years ago with the adoption of the time-payment plan of selling roofs, which Pioneer originated.
Adoption of this advanced dealer plan came as the cli' max to the $5,000,000 concern's spring advertising cam' paign, during which, for a month, advertisements appeared simultaneously in 80 newspapers throughout the Western and Pacific Coast sales territory. The campaign was successful in acquainting the public with one of the cardinat principles of -Pioneer operation, consumer satisfaction all the way down the line from raw material manufacture to applied roof. It also gained the confidence of the dealer thiough building present and future business for him, wfhicti was accomplished in advising the home-owner to consult the reliable lumber, building material or hardware dealer in his community who handles the Pioneer line of products.

Tidewater terminal rates on transcontinental freight shipments will be granted to all points on the Northwestern Pacific Railroad, according to a statement made recently by Edward H. Maggard, president of this railroad. This action, he said would place the cities of the Redwood Empire on an equal footing with San Francisco, Sacramento, San Tose and other coast cities.
Thie eaw will cut quickly and economically on either hard or'coft wood. Whether ripping, cutting-off or nritering, it will ctand fart hand feed without rubbing or overheating. The succecrful performance of Simonds Sawr, Knivee and Files ir due to the fact that they are backed by Simondr manufacturing experience of nearly a century.
When ordering epecify Simonde Planer Saw for smoother cutting. Do uot accept a rubrtitute.