4 minute read
Forest Industries in the Economic Structure of the Northwest
(Continued from Page 37) composition and known strength. Lumber may well take a leaf out of the same book.
Lumber will always be at a disadvantage in meeting itscompetitors in the -field of construction on the basis of price alone. It can meet them with far greater succe.ss irpon its technical merits and intrinsic qualities.- To.the extent that lumber can be marketed on known and certified qualities of strength, or of durability, or of insulation igainst heat and cbld, or of specified degrees of drynessto the extent that lumber can be marketed under grade and trade marks which certify its quality to the consumer -its position in the merchandising field will be made the stronger.
Another important development in the new era of our western timber industrv will be the closer use of raw material and a more complete fabrication of the final pro: duct before it leaves the sawmills or allied woodworking plants of the Northwest. The unavoidable waste of timber ivhich has been carried by its owner and has paid its taxes fo fhe state and communitv for vears. is one of the heaviest to the state and community years, one loads which the forest industries of O'regon O'regon and Washington still carry and one of the greatest handicaps on their prosperity. We have, in this region. an enormous storeitour. of iaw material adapated to-many different commodities. Distance from market and other economic obstacles have sto6d in the way of its complete utilization. The development of the pulp and paper industry in this region ,and its enlargement in recent years. utilizing to a large degree material which the sawmills cannot profitably-use, stands for the sort of industrial progress which lies ahead of us. Most industries are drarvn bv economic forces ,close to the best available supply of raw material.
That movement is now under way in the Northwest, around the, magnet of the great timber supply of this region. As time g'oes on, we will see more wood products of allkinds-pulp, paper and fibre products, millwork and doors, plywood, boxes and crates, automobile bodies, and wood manufactures of all sorts coming to the Northwest. This will mean a closer inter-lacing of the various industries which utilize wood, a closer use of the raw material. and a more varied and more stable all-round industrial
Howell Baker Spends Few Days In San Francisco
Hrowell Baker, California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days attending to bttsiness matters. He made the return trip by airplane and 'w'as a passenger on one of the Maddux Air Line planes.
structure. The Northwest will become less a region of a single forest product and more a region of many forest products. We may, indeed, witness in. time a reduced cgt bf staading timbei but a larger total-in the value of its manufactuied products from the additional labor and ma' chinery employed in their fabrication.
In anut-ihell, the significance of the change lies in greater industrial returns-not obtained so largely as in the past from our sheer possession of a natural resource but primarily from greater industrial efiiciency and more complete manufacture of the finished products.
- The West Coast Lumbermen's Association has been reorganized and cnlarged to serve the whole lumber indu-stry of"the Pacirfic'North-west as efficiently as it can in working out these common problems. Its - service is predicated upon Secretary Hoover's doctrine of self-government in industry, and progress changes within and of an industry to meet the public interests dependent upon it.
In concluiion, let me refer again to thb large stake whic-h the n.orthern Pacific states hive in the progress of their lumber industry. Their stake is not limited simply to the present importance of the industry. in payrolls and .tax.es and the value of its output, but is even greater in its development along lines which promise stability and--permanenie. To thd extent the industry succeeds it will acquire the economic capacity to reproduce its own raw material.
Reforestation is not something apart from the every-day operations and profits of the sawmill. It is simply one link in a chain whiih-in its whole-connects the forest with the market on a stable and prosperous coinmercial basis. Industrial forestry has got to be sound business. Unstable and unprosperoui industries liquidate and pass out. The-y do not-see[ to perpetuate themselves by renewing their supply of raw material. Forestry is the key stone of an .cbttomic arch, built stone by siote, through successful manufacture and merchandising and living profits.
To the extent the Pacific Northwest can aid its forest industries in working out the present problems and attaining greater stability, it will safeguard its own commercial fuiure as a timber-growing and manufacturing region.
Sydney M. Hauptman, vice-president of the Chas. R. Mc-Cormick Lumber Company, and of the McCormick Steamship Company, who was seriously injured in an automobile aicident May 21, is getting along nicely after_-an operation on his leg, and expects to be back at his office about the end of Tune.
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The Industrial Service Co.
Sherlock Building, Portland, Orc.