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For The Bay District

will be held Tuesday evening, June 19, at the Hotel Oakland, Oakland.

The nine will consist of : snark . " 'c' I' sPeer

Senior Hoo'Hoo Howard Gunton

Junior Hoo-Hoo .. Milt Hendrickron

Bojum D. N. Edwardr

Scrivenoter Geo. Troth

Curtocation '. 'B- E. BrYan

Arcanoper ...... ' C. F. Ricker

Gurdon " Carl Wattr

Jabberwock J- R. NeYlan

Finance Comrnittee

F. L. Parker, Chairmau

Wave Tildcn H. S. Morton

D. N. Edwardt

Merrill Robincon

H. L. Call Homer Marir

Banquet Committee

Geo. Troth, Chairman

L. J. Woodron Milt Hendrickeon


Homer Marir, Chairman

Henry Meyer Clern Fraaer Rod. Hendrickeon


Carl Moore Orcar Johnron

Come Along And Bring A Kitten

c. I. SPEER" Vicegerent Snark

Electric Hand Saw

The saw you take to the lumber instead of the lumber to t'he saw.

Built in sizes for all classes of work where a portable hand saw can be used.

Operates from ordinary light socket. Weight 10 to 26 lbs.

The 10Jb. saw ideal for cutting veneer.

Why not investigate the many places you cirn use a SKILSA\X/ in your business?

Syntron motodess electria hammers for concrete drilling and chipping. For erecting machinery and remodeling jobs.

Electric Drills - All Sizes



Walter C. Ball, of San Francisco, Sales Manager for J. R. Hanify & Company, was a recent business visitor in Southern California.

Tools Sold - Rented - Repaired

308 East Third Street Los Angeles Mutual 7508

The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to SelI The Fellow Who

Rote: $2.s0 per colutnn ineh The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired

Exceptional Opportunity For Lumberman

Want an experienced working partner in an established lumber yard with an investment of from $500O to $10,000. Excellent opportunity for right party in San Joaquin Valley. Only yard in city. Address Box 203, care California Lumber Merchant.

For Rent

In Los Angeles Southwest. Sightly lumber yard or mill location. On paved boulevard and railroad facilities. 25,000 square feet. Low rent. Address Box C-204, Care California Lumber Merchant


Lumberman with several years' experience would like to represent a mill, wholesaler or retailer in the Southern Cal.ifornia territory. Knows softlvoods and hardwoods and formerly represented large. manufacturer. Ready to accept position at once. Can furnish references. Address Box C-205 care California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Salesman Wants Position

Lumber salesman with experience in California, the Southwest and Middle West wants position as salesman representing rvholesaler or mill. Wiil consider in either of these territories. Knows the manufacturing and selling ends of the industry and formerly represented large manufacturer for several yeafs. Can give good referen-es. Address Box C-206 care California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Salesman Wanted

Wholesale concern handling both cargo and rail wants salesman. One well acquainted with San Francisco, East Bay and Peninsula territory. Prefer salesman to have own car. State experience and salary required. Address Box C-?IO care California Lumber Merchant. 112 Market St.. San Francisco,


For odd mill work. Must be able to list and estimate all types architectural woodwork for churches, etc. Must also be able to detail work for shop and do neat drafting. Address, giving experiences, references and salary wante? Box C-199, care California Lumber Merchant.


You lumbermen who want a vacation ! I can put you on to- one or more young' college m.en who can help in your ofi_ice and yard. C-an handle a truck without abusing it.

Y,ou can buy offi-c-e^ desks, chairs, business phonograph outfit complete, a 1927" F.eo Speed Wagon, six-cyiinder, from me.

You'll like my prices on 13/16 Oak'Flooring. phone Wakefield 1634, 1646 Francisco Street, Pdsadena.

Office Executive Available

Over 15 years'executive experience, last five years acting Secretary of large retail lumber company in the Los Angeles territory. Experienced in credits and collections, office management, building, financing, accounting, etc. Open for position at once. Box C-208, care California Lumber Merchant.


Position in sales or prrrchase departments by an experienced'lumberman with wholesale and retail experience. Having had charge of purchases and sales to Eastern Markets of California White and Sugar Pine and command a following of open accounts with me. References. Address Box C-2@. care California Lumber Merchant.


Man with several vears' exDerience in local lumber vard desires connection with retiit or wholesale finn. -Can furnish excellent rbfeiences. Address Box C-211, care California Lumber Merchant.


Factory or warehouse with trackage. Extra space for lease. Address Box C-2O2. Care California Luinber Merchant.

Wants Position As Retail Yard Manager

N{arried man, 35 years old, wants position as manager retail yard. 5 years' experience in California. Knows the wholesale. retail and rnillwork branches of the business. Familiar with plans and accustomed to furnishing guaranteed lists. Has had experience as corporation secretary and treasurer, sales promotion and advertising. What have you and what is the salary? Address Box C-207 care California Lumber Merchant.

To Act As Secretary For Both Lumbermen And Millmen

Kenneth Smith, Secretary of The Lumber Dealers Association of Los Angeles, has been appointed Executive Secretary of the l-os Angeles District Manufacturers Branch of the Millwork Institute of California. The lumbermen and the millmen have created a joint executive committee-each branch retaining its identity-and Mr. Smith will act as Secretary of both branches. Mr. Ben Bemis is the manager of the Central Office of the Los Angeles Branch of the Millwork Institute of California.


The W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. state that they have just received from the Jerome Hardwood Lumber Co. of Jerome Arkansas, the largest carload of flooring that has eyer been shipped into their Los Angeles plant. The car contained 100 N{ feet of /s-inch "Dixie" Brand oak flooring.

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