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How Lumber Looks

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iRTiTC Frames

iRTiTC Frames

Douglas Fir. "A total of 325 mills reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen'! Association operated at57.82 per cent of capacity d*iog the week ending May 31, according to the weekly Eumrnary of mill reports issued June 6 by the AsEociation. Lumber production was rduced,by over 20 million feet at these mills below the preceding week. At the same time orders increased over 3 per cent and exceeded the week's production. These mills are in the Douglas fir region of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.

Production of 2lO identical mills, for which the Association has weekly records of production, orders and shipments, totaled 150,918,263 feet for the week ending May 31; orders werc 152,206,799 feet and shipments 1581965,609 feet. Production at these mills declined 16,000,000 feet from the previour week; ord'ers increased approximately S,(XX),OOO feet and shipments gained about 6,O(X)'(XX) feet.

Production at the Northwest mills is now about 55 per cent of capacity and a number of mills have closed down for an indefinite period. The extra heavy curtailment in output at the rnills this month has given the California market a better general tone. Cutting is reported to be a little stronger, and the scarcity of l/2-inch lath has increased the price of thie item. Flooring,and Clears do not appear to be showing strength, and piices on Commons show no change. Unsold'stocks at San Pedro on June 11 totaled 712761000 feet; unsold stocls at this port for the past month have been around seven million feet, the lowert


L. S. Turnbull, Southern California and Arizona reDresentative for The \IcCloud River Lumber Co. and The Shevlin-Hixon Co., members of the Shevlin. Caroer.rter ct Clark Co. group of mills, states that he has a suppll' of the new book-"Pine Homes and Pine Interiol5"-1yl-1161 ry25 recently publishecl by the Shevlin, Carpenter & Clark Co., at his offrce, 327-328 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles, r'hich can be purchased for $1 per book. "Pine Homes and Pine Interiors" is a beautiful tribute to rvood and is probably the most beautiful and valuable volnme of photographs of pine homes that has ever been published. The book u,oulcl fTrace any librarl'.

Ralph Cochrane Fractures Wrist

Ralph Cochrane, of the Cochrane Lumber Co., Petaluma. recently fractured his wrist in a fall against a railroad car door. As a result of this accident he decided to take his vacation, and the injure<{ arm is mending fast.

Advertiring Ratcr on Applicadon in years. 37 lumber vesselr in the California service are laid up.

California White and Sugar Pine and Redwood pricer remain unchanged. For the week ended May 31, the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers A$ociation reported production from 17 mills as 2Or827r0{)O feet, ehipments l5r2l9rOOO feet and orders 15,279,OOO feet. The California Redwood Association for the week ended May 31 reported production from 14 mills as 5,614,(X)O feet, rhipments 619251000 feet and orders 5r178rOOO feet. E+AAA{<AAA+ti

The current relationship of orders and chipmentr to prod'uction for the frr*22 weeks of 1930, based on reportl from the regional associations to the Natio*ral Lumber Manufacturers Association, is as follows:

West Coast Lumbermen'r Asaociatiqn-p1e{qction 3r572,958 M feet; Shipments 3,331,121 M feet; Orders 3,365,657 M feet.

California White and Sugar Pine Arsociatiel-pp{qs- tion 306,988 M feet; Shipmentr 466,426 M feet; Orders 464,322 M feet.

California Redwood Association-Production lil'773 M feet; Shipments 147,666 M feet; Ordere 151,987 M feet. Southern Pine Associ6ti6lProduction 1,3261075 M feet; Shipments 1,2351535 M feet; Orders lr230r423 M feet.

Hardwoods-Production 985,803 M feet; Shipmentr 827,981 M feet; Orders 808,036 M feet.

Perry Dame Los Angeles Visitor

Perry Dame, Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., San Francisco, was a Los Angeles visitor during the past week. While in I-os Angeles, he made his headquarters at the Hipolito Company, their Southern California representatives, where he conferred r.vith Herman and Leo Rosenberg.


H. O. Warde has joined the sales force of the L. W. Blinn Lumber Co., f,os Angeles. He rvas formerly with the Southern California Hardwood & Manufacturing Co.


Orven L. Gibson, secretary of \Arhite Brothers, San Francisco, rvith Mrs. Gibson has returned from a vacation trip spent motoring through Southern California. It is interesting to note that Mr. Gibson recently co,mpleted 34 years' service with White Brothers, having worked for this concern since 1896.

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