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Employees Safety Club of Barr Lumber Co. Erect Attractive Club House
\/ The accompanying illustration shows an the attractive club house recently built by Safety Club of the Barr Lumber Company.
The club was formed several years ago for the purpose of providing insurance against accident and sickness for the employees of the Barr Lumber Company, Santa Ana, Calif. Premiums are basecl on the salary oi wage of the member, and payments to them in case of accideni or sickness is made on the same basis. In case of death, a fourweeks salary is paid to the beneficiary. The club elects its own ofFcers and directors and holds regular monthly meetings, at u'hich time reports of commitiees on finantes, social, sick and welfare are made. Social meetings are held one evening eacli week.
The club house was erected by the members themselves, the material and location being donated by the Barr Lumber Company. The interior is finished in California White Pine, paneled, .ir,'ith exposed beams and sheathing. A large fireplace adds a homelike touch to the club house. Tie members have furnished it with a radio, and several pieces of furniture, some of which they made themselves.
The officers of the club are as follows: Robert Hopkins, president; S. Bessey, vice-president; William E. Pikles,