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Southern California Lumbermen Play Golf
Ray cope Awarded Low crross Prize. H. o. warde Low N"t vinner. f'ary-t_reasu.rer. The tournament was sponsored by the Los Angeles Hbo Hoo Club.
Ray Cope, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, with a score. of 76, was the winner of the low grosi prize-The Frank l3urnaby Trophy-at the Lumbermen's Golf Tournament held at the Oakmont Country Club, Glendale, on Friday afternoon, June 6. H. O. Warde, L. W. Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles, won the low net prize-The California Lumber Merchant Trophy-with a net score of 71. The winners of the other prizes were as follows: First Flight- first prize, Bert Maulq, Los Angeles; second prize, "Pick" Maulg Los Angeles. Second Flight-first prize, D. E. Ligggtl, ,Sqrla.Ana; second, prize, Emil Swanion, Eagle Roc[. Third_Flight_ first prize, Harvey Bowles, Los ,A,ngeles; second_prize, S. Hathaway, Monrovia. Fourth Flight-first prize, Curtis Merryman, Los Angeles; second prize, Tom Dant, Los Angeles. Seventy-two were entered in the tournament.
Dinner was served in the club hotrse at 6:30 p.m., which rvas attended by nearly sixty lumbermen. Kenneth Smith acted as master of ceremonies and presented the prizes to the winners. The committee in charge of the arran-gements included,: Harry V. Hanson, chairmai; Don Philips] handicaps and starting; Bob Osgood, prizes ; Ed. Martin, secre-
Those who played in the tournament .were: __8. M. Cartwright, R. Cope, R. M. Mack, Nate Dodds, Henry E. Pries, E. Swanson, S. Hathaway. F. C. Wittermore, Paul Masters, Don Philips, A. C. Fenberthy, Paul Penberthy, Geo. Nicholson, A. ingvolstad, A. L. ifoover, Ed Seward, Russell Gheen, Percy Youst, Ed Houghton, Dick_Loveday,. "Pick" Maule, Beit Maule, D. E. LLSett, Bob Holden, Ed Culnan, Al Muller, C.,B..Lyons, B.-Steff_ense1, Dick [mison, W. E. Clement, H. O. Warde, Geo. _B_gnt!"y,_4, F. McAlpine, Gene DeArmond, G. V. Learned, W. B. Wickersham, John_ Olson, "Friday" Freeland, J. Prenti_ce, Frank Burnaby, Harry Graham,- E. L. Thoma-s, \oy Meyers, Leo Rosenberg, ClilT Bergstrom, E. L. Cooper, Bill Shaw, Max Price, Harry Hanson, Curtis Merrynian, Sterling Stofle, F. P. Baugh, Herman Rosenberg, Walter lpicer, Bob Osgood, Bill Vanderwood, Barry Eanawalt, T,. A. Beckstrom, J. M. Landram, A. C. Bakerj E. A. Nicholso_n,'Cappy" Slade, M. B. Jordan, Tom Dant, Al.Koehl, 4. J.-f"anunter, Earl Hoffman, Harry Bowles, Paul Hill, Roy Stanton, G. H. Lockwood and Eirl Heber.
Stockton Hoo Hoo Club Holds H. A. Lake Addresses Coast Picnic at Kewin's Mill Counties Lumbermen
Stockton Hoo Hoo Club No. 62 held, their annual picnic at Kewin's Mill, about 16 miles east of Sonora. on Sund,ay, May 25.
The attendance numbered about 200, consisting of lumbermen, their wives, families and friends from the Stockton, Modesto and Turlock districts. with some visitors from San Francisco.
The large crowd enjoyed dancing, swimming, baseball, races, horseshoe pitching and music, and everybody had a good time.
T. H. Kewin of the United Lumber Yards, Inc., Modesto, put his summer place,'which adjoins the sawmill, at the disposal of the club, and all were loud in their praises of the Kewin hospitality, and the beautiful surroundings, which contributed so much to the enjoyment of the day's outing.
J. U. Gartin is president of Hoo Hoo Club No. 62, and C. U. Utterback is secretary.
Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, was the principal speaker at the gen- eral meeting of the Coast Counties' Lumbermen,s Asso-ciation held at_Gilroy Hot Springs, Saturday, May 24.
F. Dean Prescott, chairmariof the cenient committee of the State Association, outlined the recent progress made by his committee.
D. C. Essley, manager of the State:Association, also at- tended.
Matters of general interest to the members of the association were brought up by Secretary-Manager M. D. Bishop for discussion.
A total attendance of 45 signed the register.
^^Fyit-ai"S permits for May in San Francisco totated ge881,110, and the total for,the first five months:of the vear was $1O,316,120.