1 minute read
..SISALKRAFT helps tne sell other tnateriuls a,lso"
Lumber dealers are finding that Sisalkraft helps them to sell other materials also. The merchandisilne principle is similar to that used by chain etoreijarticl-es of known high quality are featured to imprees cuetomers with other linee carried. The remarkable air and moisture stopping qualities of Sisalkraft are easily demonstratedoby picturesque tests, to people who have never bought from you. And it has been proved, time and again, that when a contractor or builder has bought Sisalkraft onceo he comes back for rnor€r and extends that impres' sion of quality to your other lines.
Sisalkraft is ueed not only for stopping the infil-lltion of air, moisture, dust and sm6[.e tf,rough walls, floors and roofsrbut also on a thousand other applieations. A study of the cross-section picture of its construction will Euggest many of them to you. Over 101000 dealers are now pushing Sisalkraft. We will gladly send a list containing the most important ones. Our salee promotion plan helps increase turnover. A list of -your contractore with your initial order will start this plan working for you.