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Lumbermen Invited to View 4500Year-Old Redwood
Reproduced on this page is the picture of the "Tree over Tree" to whi'ch Mr. Hink inakes reference in his letter be- low. This picture was published in the February I, 1929, issue of this paper, accorrpanied by a,descriptive article, which did not state the exact location of the tree, however. No doubt the discovery of the exact location, brought about through thb enterprise of Ernest Freeman of ihe ' Eureka office of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., will prove most interesting to many of our readers and to the public, who will want to see this g'reat natural curiosity with their own eyes. Mr. Hink's letter follows:
San Francisco, June 3d, 1930.
Mr. Jack Dionne, Publisher, The California Lumber Merchant. 318 Central Buildirtg, Los Angeles, California.
Dear Jack:
Just about two years ago, Ern€st Freeman of our Eureka Office forwarded me a pi,cture which he felt would go a long way toward creating considerable interest in the wondelful durability of Redwood. Believe you will agree with me, Ja,ck, that 'rErnie" had the right idea.
This picture has since ,become known as the "Tree over Tree" picture and from th,e negative of the original picture, which we had taken, many thousands of ,copies have been made and distributed by , most of the Redwood Mills. Numerous requests from all sections of this country, as well as from foreign countries, have come in seeking information about this "freak of nature." The picture has been featured in many different advertisements, including one of an Eastern coffin manufacturer who recognized the rot resistant qualities of our product.
Interest in this picture has not been limited to "lumberdom"; all who have seen the picture hav'e marveled at nature's lumber masterpiece. Think of it ! One tree 2500 years old had grown over a fallen tree 2000 years old-and both sound ! What substitute for Redwood can ooint to a like record?
This interest has been very gratifying to all of the Redwood people, and in particular to "Ernie." Recently "Ernie" made a trip to obtain further data on this subject, data that I feel sure vou and your readers will be glad to have. Here it is:
"Tree over Tree" is located on property of Hans Jorgensen about seven miles north of Crescent City. Mr. Jorgen- sen's famil;r is ,called upon daily to show interested visilors this "Tree over Tree" (Should some of your readers desire to include a visit to this "Tree over Tree" in their next trip over the Redwood Highway, Mr. Ernest Freeman of our Eureka Office will be glad to direct them).
The man standing in front of fallen tree is Peter Paulsen,
ILouis C. Stewart, manager of Sudden & Christenson, San Francisco, won the major trophy in the second annual steamship golf tournament, held at the Olympic Club rece_ntly, with_a !9rv 1et score of 72, and tied low gross with Thomas J. Cuffe with a score of 84.
an old time lumberfilsrr; whose enthusiasm over Redwood is based on many years' experience making Split Redwood Products, etc.
Tree on, ground is approximately 8 foot diameter.
"Tree over Tre€" is 11 feet one way and 10 feet the other way. Measurement was taken on top of the stump.
End of tree on ground where it was sawn ofi is very sound.
The outer zones of this log are .charred which gives evidence that it has withstood the attack of fire. A few years ago, Mr. Jorgensen used part of the trei on the ground to make split products; he found the wood sound, bright and contained but very little waste.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Henry M. Hink, Sales Manager, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
Perry Dame Back In California
P. A. Dame, western sales manager of the Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., returned to San Francisco recently from-a trip to Portland, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C., which included visits to the company's plants at the two lattei points. After spending a few days in the Bay District he left for a trip to Los Angeles.