1 minute read
In Sunny California
By R. E. Harrington, California Moulding Co., Los Angeles
With thirty years in a lumber yard, in a Middle Western state, Whe-re folks are poor but honest, hever fretting 'bout their tate;
Came Mr. Billy Booster, a Lumbernran by birth, To give himself an outing, before it was too late.
He surely knew his lumber, as money he had made; So started for Los Angeles, and for his ticket paid.
He got in town two years ago, and couldn't sleep at night, Just thinking of the business, that seemed to be in sight. He thought of those hard winters, and the summer months to come,
And how he'd wasted most his life, back there where he was from.
He thought the whole thing over, after talking with a few Who didn't know a lurnber yard, from Mother Grundy's stew.
They filled him up on heated air, and took him, out to dineThey showed him how a lumber yard would prove a placer mlne.
He left his friends and hurried horue, and sold his business out, And back he came with all his dough, he took the shortest route.
He started in to buy a yard, but then on second thought, A real estator got his scent, and a piece of land he bought. Most of his caq-h went in the land, 4t prices far too high, But rvith the bisiness he would get,-hi knew it was a-buy; IIe started in to build his sheds, and bought his motor truck, And felt at last that he was friends with Sister Lady Luck. He wrote his friends back home and told about the plans he had,
And every iime he thought of them, it made his heart quite sad.
The day soon came for him to buy some lunrber for his yard; The.salesmen came in stl'arms and talked and handed him their cards-
They all made prices that seerned fair, all quoted A-S-T;. He never heard this term before, but he knew about Rail B. lfe soon became confused and thought the best thing he could do
Would be to make a hook-up with a firm he thought he knew. He called on them and dealt his cards, and told of plans he'd made-
He told them how his land was clear, and all his bills were paid.
He said he had ten thousand left to buy his opening stock, So they put their arms around hinr, and then led him to the
The ten looked good to these smart guys, they knew just what to do-