2 minute read
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Another yard to what they had would make them quite a few. So Billy proudly opened up, and business came his way; He figured estimates at night, and sold more every day; He kept this up for quite a while, and did not stop to look Just what the boys were daily putting in his ledger book. He figured all his customers were honest and would pay, And when he needed money he'd collect it in a day. The firm he bought his lumber from were very proud of him, And all the time they knew they had our Billy on a limb.
One day they needed money, and they called in fashion bold And told our Mr. Booster that they loved him as of old, But that they needed noney, foq to pay some water freight, And that his credit was beyoard the figure he should rate. He started out collecting, for some money he did need, And when the day was over he came back with one trust deed; His customers were very nice and treated him just fine, But every place he called for dough they had a different lineThey offered him most everything from eggs to roller skates, In payment of his lumber bill, as settlement to date. He could not pay the lumber firm as he expected to; He told them he was trying hard, but that he no can do. They told him ngl to worry, as they knew an out for him, But his chance of making money was appearing very slim. They let him go along a while and then one clo:dy day A letter came by Ungle Sanr, derhanding him to pay. As soon as Billy read it he began to shake and fret; He hurried to the city-he was worried you can bet. It only took a little while for him to know his fate, And as he left the office he realized it was too late. They made him sign some papers that put Billy on the street, And all that night he walked the floor with swollen head and feet;
Next morning to the yard he went and there to his surprise, A stranger sat at Billy's desk, bef_ore his very eyes. He told our Billy he was done, that he was now the boss, And not to worry over things, and just forget his loss. With heavy heart he left th_e place, and never looking back, He started for his rooming house, his things there he did pack; He bought a one-way ticket East, and there he is today, Where lumber can be traded for a load of barley hay. He labors in the yard he sold, and does not nrind the cold, But often thinks of Sunny Cal and all the stufi he sold; He wonders how they pay their bills, and what they use for cash.
Out here where every lumber mill goes through the cut and slash.