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COJ\STRUCTIOI\ PLAI\S Yaluahle Booklets -Valuable information Take Adaantage of These Sen:ices !
IOES your local building code I-l nssd revision?
Would you like to have our merchandising plan for distributing consumer booklets that will help you sell more lumber?
Do you ever need actual working drawings of anything built of wood not readily available from ordinary plan services; such as band stands, grand stands, implement sheds, tourist camps, filling stations, derricks, combine sheds, storage bins ?
Do you want your name put on a special list to receive regularly compact authoritative selling arguments for wood against other material?
Have you heard about the "Supervised Construction" movement sponsored by building and loan associations? Do you know how it affects you?
When you are confronted with an unusual problem in lumber utilization would you like to have the personal advisory service of experts? lumber is carefully manujactured "American Stanilard, Lumber f,rotn America's Best MiIIs,"
The National Lumber Manufacturers Association can give you complete information on these subjects and, many more. You can sell more lumber by being up to the minute on building practices and conditions . . by having in your office authoritative data on lumber problems. Fill in and mail the coupon today for complete information on any of the above services which would help you sell more lumber.
THIS BOOKLET is a complete index of all the accurate printed data on lumber anil the correct usage of uood,. W;th " InJormation on Lumber and, Where to Find It" as a reference you can secure authoritatiae inJormation on anA lumber Tnoblern. Send, for gour lree copy today.