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J. O. Means With John E. Marshall, fnc.
J. O. Means
/ J. O. Means, well known Southern California lumberman, is now connected with John E. Marshall, Inc., who operates' a public dock, Berth 2 -A and B, at San Pedro. Mr. Marshall was formerly manager of the Outer Harbor Dock and Wharf Co. at San Pedro and is well known to all Pacific Coast lumber shippers.
Mr. Means has been associated with the lumber industry for many )rears, starting with the S. K. Martin Lumber Co. in Chicago in 1890, who at that time had the largest wholesale yard in the world, and which was afterwards sold to the Edward Hines Lumber Co.
He came west in 1900 and was so favorably impressed that he decided to remain on the West Coast, securing a position with the Seattle Lumber Co. as sales manager. He remained with this company until they closed in 1908.
FIe came to Lss Angeles in January, 1910, and formed the Alpine I-umber Co. as selling agents for the Eastern Redwood Co., Albion Lumber Co., Peninsula Lumber Co. and Clark & Wilson Lumber Co. In l9l2 he was appointed manager of the Consolidated Lumber Co. at Wilmington and was with this concern for about ttvo years. He then formed a connection with the Frank P. Doe Lumber Co. of San Francisco, making a specialty of railroad and minin Lumber Co. / minino y' or Jau f rarrclsco, rnaKrng a specrarf,y oI rarlroaq anc mlnlng timbers and retained his interest with them until the death oJ the president of the company, L. L. Long, in 1924. Since then he has been operating in Los Angeles, handling lumber specialties.
With his new connection, Mr. Means will make his headquarters at the Los Angeles office of John E. Marshall, Inc., at 328 Petroleum Securities Bldg. His telephone number is WEstmore 0615.