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Such Letters as This Keep Us on Our Toes
Westwood, Calif., tvtay t7, telO. Dear Mr. Dionne:
The compliment implied in your editorial quotation of one of our'advertisements is greatly appreciated, I can assure you. Coming from the writer of "Vagabond Editorials" it is praise indeed.
For a number o{ years, I have read your editorials regularly. Like a voi,ce in the wilderiess, you have been showing the Industry the only way to Salvation. It is a very discouraging job; I have tried it.
The human race seems to be so constituted that the more self-evident a truth is, the stronger our opposition to its acceptance. When a certain line of action seems absolutely necessary to our well being, that is the one thing we postpon€ and avoid and substitute something else for until the last minute.
It is very easy to enumerate the faults and failures of the Lumber Industry when we compare it with its competitors. We know that Advertising and Selling, the two greatest for,ces in American Commercial and Industrial progress are practically strangers to the tumberman and we can go on from there and find a lot of things wrong.
It seems to me that what we need most is constructive thought and someone with guts enough to keep on shouting it in the windows when he is kicked out the door.
My nomination would be you and the work you ale doing in your progressive and aggressive journals.
With best wishes for your success, I remain Yours very truly,
(Signed) W, B. L,aughead Advertising Manager, Red River Lumber Co.
E. T. Robie, president of the Auburn Lumber Co., A.uburn, and Mrs. Robie sailed from San Francisco on the liner Pennsylvania for New York on June 7. They shipped their ,car along and will drive back across the continent by the Northern route, visiting Yellowstone Park and other points of interest on the way, and expecting to be home about Auguit 1.