1 minute read
As Americaes Oldest Ohureh Proves Woodes Bnduranee
...So Western Lumber Mills prrrve lasting qualities of UNION Lubrieants
T ONG before the Pilgrims l-r landed on Plymouth Rock, and nearly rwo hundred years before the first California mission was built, Spanish missionaries constnrcted the church of SanMiguel at Santa Fe, New Mexico. Its walls they builtof adobe,but its stmcture was well reinforced with wood.
Today, although the crumb, ling adobewalls have been rebuilt, much of the original wooden structure is still in good condition.
And just asthe Spanish padres have proved the lasti4g qualities of wood, so have hundredsof Western lumber mills proved the endurance of (Jnion lubricants in all types of mill machinery.
Get Thls Fnrn Serwlee
As a distinct service to west ern lumbermen, the lJnion Oil Companymaintains a staff of lubrication engineers who will visit your mill or camp, without charge, to check with you on any lubrication prob. lem. These scientists are often able to reduce lubricationcosts from IMo to 35/o yet multiply a plant's efficiency.
Phone, write, or wire to the nearest lJnion Oil Company distributing sation for one of these engineers. Do it today! No charge. We pay the bills.