1 minute read
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told fior 2O years-Some less He Wasn't Scared
The highly advertised lady lion tamer was doing her part of the circus performance, and was living right up to the advertisements with her deeds of daring in handling the great beasts. The crowd watched breathlessly, at her fearless performance.
Finally she beckongd to the fiercest'lion in the circus,
Paul Overend Moves To Sacramento
Paul E. Overend has moved his headquarters from San Francisco to Sacramento, to become manager of the insurance department of the California Fruit Exchange, with offices in the California Fruit Building, Sacramento.
Mr. Overend announces that he will still a,ct as field representative of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association in the Northern District.
and he took a lump of sugar from her mouth, as meek as any lam.b. The lady loo&ed around for applause.
"Shaw, anybody could do that," shouted a man from the ringside.
"Do you mean to say you would?".she stormed at him.
"Sure," replied the blase one, "just as well as :rny blinkin' lion."
E. James Ko'ck, of New Orleans, representative of 'the R. H. Downman Estate, attended the annual meeting of the Clover Valley Lumber Co., at Loyalton, June 4, and the annual meeting of the Pacific Spruce Corporation, on June t2.
Mr. Kock was aocompanied by his rvife, who was formerly Miss Virginia Downman.