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Inland Empire Lumber Companies
Spokane, Washington, June 4.-A giant merger of Inland Empire lumber companies was effected last week with the organization of the Potlatch Forests, Inc., a $20,000,000 corporation.
The consolidation includecl the Clearwater Timber Company, the Edward Rutledge Timber Company and the Potlatch Lumber Company. Combined, these control one of the-largest stands of white pine timber in the country and rank_ as the largest producer of western red cedar poles in the United States.
J. Philip Weyerhaeuser, Jr., of Lewiston, Idaho was named president of the new corporation at an organization meeting last week at Tacoma. Laird Bell, H. J. Richardson and_Wayne C. Gilbert were elected vice presidents. George F. Jewett of Coeur d'Alene was elected treasurer; George R. Little, secretary; H. L.-Toresen, assistant secretary ana assistant treasurer, and C. J. McGeough, assistant secre- t1ry. Philip Weyerhaeuser, Fred K. Weyerhaeuser of Spokane, F. W. Reimers, Mr. Jewett and Mr. Bell were elected members of the executive committee.
Individuals and interests brought together in the new company include T. J. Humbird of Spokane, F. S. Bell of 'Winona, William Musser of Muskette, Minn.; R. D. Musser of Little Falls, Minn.; the Laird-Norton interests of Winona; Dr. E. P. Clapp of Everett, the Denkmann estate of Rock Island, Ill.; Stanley Joyce of Chicago, and the various members of the Weyerhaeuser familv. -
The Clearwater Timber Company brings io the merger the new $3,000,000 mill built at Lewiston several years ago. The Edward Rutledge Timber Company brings into the new corporation a large mill at Coeur d'Alene, built a number of years ago by Huntington Taylor, who managed the property until his withdrawal recently, when Mr. Jerv- ett was placed in charge. The Potlatch Lumber Company operates mills at Potlatch and Elk River.
A later development following the quarterly meeting of the trustees of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company in Spokane, was the organization of the Potlatch Yards, Inc., to consolidate direction of operation of Potlatch yards in the Inland-Empire.
The Potlatch Yards concern is the retail end of the combination in this region. Potlatch Yards, 34 in number, are to be found in the larger cities of the Inland Empire and in many of the smaller towns. They are credited with doing $1,500,000 rvorth of lumber business annually. Frank Kendall of Spokane Estates is general -a.tager of these yards.
Officials of the corporation, in addition to Mr. Weyerhaeuser who is president, are John Kendall of Spokane, vice president; George Little of 'Winona, Wis., secretary, and G. S. Jewett of Coeur d'Alene, treasurer.