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Forestry Fellowships Awarded
Washington, D. C., May 15, l93l.-Fellowships for advanced training in forestry have just been awarded by the Charles Lathrop Pack Forest Education Board, of Washington, D. C., to seven foresters, six American and one Canadian, including college seniors as well as older men :f l"lg experience. The fellowships range in value up to $1500, and the men selected from about Jighty applicants.
The. fellowships were created to encourage men of unusual intellectual and personal qualities to o6tain advanced training that would better qualify them for leadership in some phase of forestry. The successful candidates are: Caird, Ralph. Graduate student, University of Michigan. To continue investigations in normal and pathological tree physiology_ and to continue general study of for&try P"gql under Charles Lathrop Pack Fello*ship awardei in 1930.
, Fortin, John Broughton. Senior, New york State College of Foresty. One year's graduate work in silviculture. Frank, Bernard. Graduate student, University of Wisconsin. To continue study and research in land utilization Ptgln u,nder Charles T,athrop Pack Fellowship awarded in 1930, with special emphasis bn land classificaiion methods and tax delinquent lands, together with advanced studies ln economics and statistics.
_ _Ineson, Frank Avery. Student, Forestry Academy, Hann. Munden,- Germany. Nine months' graduate study'at the School of Forestry and Conservationl University "i tf,tict;gan, in forest management and utilization.
^ Lutz,. Ha-rold John. Assistant Professor of Forestry, P-en1sylv1nia State College. To make an ecological study of the plains areas in southern New Jersey in paitial fulfiliment of requirements for degree of -Ph. D. at yale School of Forestry.
^ Wagerrer, Willis Westlake. Forest Pathologist, United States Department of Agriculture, San Fran"cisco, California. To do advanced research in forest pathology iorvarcl fulfilling requirements for degree of Ph. fl. at yile School of Forestry.
_ Webb, Fforace Peterson. Consulting Forest Engineer, Loggieville, New Brunswick, Canada. To make an iivestigation of seasonal vs. year-round logging in the pulp and paper industry of eastern Canada.
This is the second award of fellowships by the Charles T athrop- Pack Forest Education Board.- The fellowships are available to Americans and Canadians for further training in.the general practice of forestry, in the forest industries,_ in the teaching of forestry, in-forest research, or in the development of public forest policy.
Applications for the third award will be taken next autumn. Further information can be obtained from the Secretary of the Charles Lathrop Pack Forest Education Board, 1214 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.
___e*,a_J. 'Wood, Anacortes, Wash., president of the E. K. Wo.! Lumber Co., was a recent viiitor at the company,s San Francisco and Los Angeles offices.
Lumbermen On Oregon Trip
__ 9_.o._W. Robinson, of Stockton, sales agent of the Booth- Kelly Lumber -C-o. for Northern California, left on June l0 for a week's visit to the home office in Eugene, Oie., and the company's sawmills at Wendling and S-pringfield,-ere. He was acc-ompanied orr-the trip b-y jo H. Sirepa-rd, general manager of the Friend & Terry Lumber Co.,-Sacrimento.