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Patten & Davies Sales Forces Visit Schumacher Plant
On the evening of May 27th the executive department and sales forces of the Patten & Davies Lumber Company, of Los Angeles, rvere the honored guests of the Schumacher for the evening, which started with a splendid supper, and ended with a lrip through the plant where they watched Schumacher wall- board ind Grip Lath manufactured from start to finish. Then they were taken to the new demonstration department wheie they were shown all sorts of splendid demonstrations showing the quality -of tle wall bbard, and the gripping power of the Grip Lath. The picture on this page shows one of the demonstratlons, a blg man hanging tJ a hobk, the hook hung in a sheet of wall board, thi witt board clinging to the ceiling only !y a sheet of plaster applied to Grip Lath. This is one of their most impressive demonstrations.
Retail Business in California Totals $3,268,545,636
Sales of 57,895 retail stores in the 47 Califotnia cities having 10,000 population and more amounted to $2,556,371,79Y2 during i9b, a Census of Distribrrtion report issued by the Bureiu of the Census shows. The population of these cities totaled 3,571,610 in 193O.
The report also contains a compilation of all t'he retail business in the State, covering cities, towns, and unincorporated rural areas, and arranCe4 !y, kinds of business. Thuse tabulations show there are 86,O25 retail stores in the state and their net sales in l9D totaled$3,28,545,636. The 193O population of California was 5,677,251 which would give i per capita sales of $575.73.
. Grilt Loth adhesion test.
Wall Board Corporation at their famous plant on Slaus-on Boulevard. Thi Patten & Davies gang, lead by L. M. Quincy and Frank Peel, were about ninety in number, including their many yard managers, assistant managers, etc' , Earl Galbraith had charge of the reception and program
J. E. Peggs, \At. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco' was a Los Angeles visitor around the first of the month where he spent i few days conferring with Jack Rea, manager of theii company's Southern California operations.
On the basis of the figures contained in this state tabulation, the food stores reieive 2O.29 cents of the consumer's store dollar rvhereas the automobile establishments get 23.56 cents. The general merchandise stores are in third position and account for t2.92 cents of the dollar. The remainder is divided among the other types of stores in the follorving order: Apparel, 8.51 ;-lumber and building, 6.81 ; restauraits and eating places, 5.89; furniture and household, 4.87; and all other stores, 17.15.
C. H. White, vice-president and general manager of White Brothers, hardwood dealers, San Francisco, returned to his office June 5 after being confined to his home for two weeks with throat trouble.