1 minute read

Timber Restriction Order Issued by Forest Service

. Washington, D. C., May 27.-The Forest Service, carry- ing out President Hoover's announced policy in regard io the withdrawal of National Forest timber from sale, has issued the following instructions.

No sales of National Forest timber will be made during the present economic situation where the value of the timber is in excess of $500, except under the following three enumerated conditions:

(1) To supply the needs of already existing sawmills which are dependent upon the National Foresti for their raw material and where such raw material cannot be obtained elsewhere.

(2) To furnish domestic paper mills with raw m'aterial needed to supply the domestic market with newsprint arrd other wood pulp products.

(3) To dispose of wind-thrown, fire-damaged, or firekilled and bug-infested timber.


_ M. H. Jones, general manager of the Jones Lumber Co., Portland, Oregon, recently spent a few days in San Francisco on business. While there Mr. Jones made his headquarters at the office of Wendling-Nathan Co., California agents for his company.

Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what ttey're getting.

General Salee Office: Eugene, Ore

Mille: Wcndling, Ora, Springfield, Ore.

Californh Officer


266 Wilhoit Blds.

Gco. W. Robiaron Salcr Agcnt


Till Ccntral Bldg. A. T. Show, Selcr OGcc

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