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illn. tltcG(llillclt sAtEsilAll saysMr.T,rr..

We constantly hear expressions like that from Califotnia retail lumbermen, who have discovered that it pays to work close with their McCormick salesman. FIe has the backing of McCormick's 25 years experience serving the retail lumber industry. Get better acquainted with the McCormick salesman. You'll find him a likeable chap whose only con- is to serve you well.


A. C. Horner, consulting engineer for the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, through rvhich organization ihe California school building program is being conducted, recently returned to San Francisco from Southern California, where he witnessed tests of wood sash made at Long Beach. "The purpose of these tests was to refute the objection raised by those interested in promoting steel sash that wood sash are not strong enough to lte satisfactory for school buildings," Mr. Horner said.

"Both torsional and racking tests were made on typical standard rvood sash, and also on an awning type of sash manufactured locally in Long Beach. Representatives of the Board of Education and also architects and engineers were present to see the tests.

"A 300-1b. load was put on the corner of each sash testetl before breakage of the glass occurred, and the sash stood a deflection of over 2f inches before failing.

"As a result of the showing made on behalf of wood sash, and the confirmation of satisfactory strength obtained in the tests, the Board of Education is now permitting alternate bids for both steel and wood sash in all school buildings to be erected hereafter."

Mr. Horner states that architects and engineers for six specific school buildings had been in touch with him or Mr. Coombs in the previous ten days requesting specific infor,mation on the design of wood frame school buildings. He also said that considerable progress has been made on the preparation of a popular pamphlet which is to be distributed through retailers to taxpayers and to the public in general. This pamphlet will set forth the record of woocl schools in recent earthquakes, and will explain in non-technical language the advantages of using wood for schools. It is expected that it will be ready for distribution within 30 days.

Elmore King In Washington

Elmore King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield, Code Authority member representing the Pacific Coast states, left June 8 to attend a meeting of the' executive committee of the National Retail Code Authority to be held in Washington, D. C., June 12.

On Eastern Trip

A. S. Murphy, president. The Pacific Lumber Coompany, San Francisco, left Jtrne 7 for an Eastern business trip in the course of rvhich he will visit the company's Chicago and New York offices. Mr: Murphy attended the annual meeting of the Lumber Code Authority in Chicago, June 11, and in Washington, June 15.


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Full coverage for the homes, because Standard Hex Setab Shingles make a completely sealed-in roof from ridge to drip edge. All exposed edges and surfaces are completely covered with an extra coating of asphalt, armored with an extra coat of beautiful rock granules. This extra coating of two basic protective coverings gives full protection to any roof.

Full Coverage for you too, Mr. Dealer, because The Pioneer-Flintkote Company protects its dealers against competition with products for their exclusive sale.

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