6 minute read

Ten Files of Th Years e California Aso Today

From the Lumber Merchant, June 15, 1924

Lumber receipts at Los Angeles Harbor for the first ten days of June totaled a little over 33,00O,000 feet, indicating that the cargo lumber movement will total about 90,000,0@ feet for the month. Lumber receipts at this port for the month of May totaled 120,000,000 feet.

' Building in the southern part of the state does not show much let-up. Building permits in Los Angeles for the first eleven days in June were $3,643,131. Los Angeles building permits for the month of MaI* were around $9,000,000.

Retail lumber dealers in the San Fernando Valley organized the San Fernando Vallev Lumbermen's Club. M. C. C. Campbell of Van Nuys was elected president; M. A. Young of. Zelzah, vice president, and W. W. Speer of Owensmouth, secretary-treasurer. The Club will meet monthly, the first regular meeting will be held at San Fernando on July 9.

A picture and story is given of the Douglas Lumber Company at Douglas, Arizona. J. W. Herndon is president of the company, andJ. W. Tardy is manager.

In the leading editorial, "The Gospel of Sunshine and 'Work," by Jack Dionne, he says, "Let's think straight, and work hard, and look at the best side all the time, and keep everlastingly at it. No one ever went to the poorhouse following that system."

F. L. Morgan of Los Angeles expresses his appreciation of Jack Dionne's editorial, "Talking Too Mu,ch About 'Presidential Year' Hard Times" that appeared in the June I issue. In his letter Mr. Morgan says: "You have struck the nail on the head. You are just optimistic enough to be right. There is too darned much pessimism circulating around the country the last few months."

The Hayward Lumber Co. of Los Angeles has purchased the Cross Lumber Co. at lotiort,Kings County.

The William Smith Lumber Co., San Fran'cisco, has purchased the McDonald Lumber Co., which adjoins their yard and will be used by the new owner for storing their common lumber. The McDonald Lumber Co. was operated by the Bessemer Lumber *Co. of Detroit.

E. L. Fifield, San Francisco wholesale lumberman, has been appointed California agent for the Fischer Brothers Lumber Co. of Eugene, OI..* !r

The San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club held a luncheon on June 5. Mr. Os'car Kaneckt, chief building inspector of San Diego, addressed lhe meeting. An honored guest of the meeting was Lieut. Kelly, world famous aviator, who with Lieut. McCready, made a non-stop flight from New York to San Diego.

Harry V. Hanson, California Panel & Veneer Co., was chairman of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo luncheon meeting on June 5. LeRoy Dawson, a disabled veteran of the World War and law student at U.S.C. talked on his war experiences. Parson Simpkins also made a short talk.

' Thirteen Kittens were led over the onion beds at Los Angeles on the night of June7, and two old cats who had wandered from the fold were reinstated. A large number of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo members, together with visit- ors from San Diego and Santa Ana, were present at the con,cat which was held at the Jonathan Club. C. S. Estes was master of ceremonies. Herman L. Rosenberg, snark of the Los Angeles district, was in charge of the initiation ceremonres.

E. L. Cooper, a member of the sales force of the Union Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was married on June 3 to Miss Arlene Benton. They spent their honeymoon at San Diego.

The first big shipme"J.i ilugt". fir timbers to the Houston Ship Channel docks will be unloaded soon. It is announced that 600,000 feet of Douglas fir timbers corlsigned to several Texas roads will be delivered at that port within the next few weeks. This is a part of the lprge quantity of fir purchased this year by the Texas railroads.

Fred Golding, Fred Golding Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was the speaker at the last meeting of the Portland (Oregon)' Lumbermen's Club. He made the trip in his Big Six Studebaker, and hung up what he claimed to be a record in driving from Portland to Los Angeles, making the trip in 48-hours flat, and driving the entire distance himself.

'R. T.:co'y.rr, fo.,n., ol".rX, i ,n" chula vista Lumber L-o. has retired from the management of the company, and has been succeeded by H. A. Graves, who has been connected with the company for some time.

Ralph Duncan, formerly manager of the Halstead Lum-. ber Co. yard at Fresno, and since January 1 of this year manager of the Merced Lumber Co., Merced, has acquired an interest in the business by the purchase of a part of the holdings of W.'E. Landram, formerly vice president of the 'company. Mr. Landram has since the first of the year been giving his entire attention to the affairs of the Farmers and Mer,chants National Bank at Merced, in which institution he has had an interest for some time.

Ralph Evans of Tucson, Arizona, has joined the Merced Lumber Co., taking a part of Mr. Landram's interest, and will be actively interested in the company.

Frank 'Minard, ...r.,"1y-al""lur", of the San Joaquinr Valley Lumbermen's CIub, has just had prepared and distributed a new 1924 roster*of*the Club.

J. F,.Wright, Brey-Wright Lumber Co., Porterville, has been elected president of the Porterville Rotary Club, and will attend the Rotary International Convention to be held atToronto,Canada.' * * *

Employes of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. Southern California operations and their families enjoyed a picnic at the Perry Whiting ranch, at Montrose, on Sunday, May 25. Frank Curran was master of ceremonies, and carried off all honors in the dancing contest that was- held in the afternoon. A barbecue was served at noon. Al Privett was in' charge of the arrangemenl. t?t ,1" picnic.

C. M. Speers, who has been with the Sun Lumber Co. a{ Beverly Hills, has joined the sales department of the Cali-i fornia & O,regon Lumber !o.*at *Los Angeles. i

R. E. Andruss, manager of the Independent Lumber Co.,' Alhambra, states that the company is contemplating erect-i ing a sash and door factory at their plant.

E. P. Ivory, California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers'Associationr gave an interesting talk on the physical characteristics and uses of the California pines at the Monday luncheon of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco, held at the Palace Hotel on May 26. Charles Moody presided at the meeting. ,'1.**

Approximately 500 new builclings were constru,cted in San Francisco during the month of May, making it one of the best constructicin months of the year, according to information given out by Building Inspector John P. Horan. Permits for May totaled $5,478,111, the largest of any month since August, 1922.

Building operations in San Jose during the month of May showed a considerable gain over the preceding month, according to City Building Inspector M. C. Woodruff, which shows the value of building permits for May as $229,650 as against $152,450 t:t ,1. month of April.

The Humboldt Lumber and Building Co. of Eureka will erect a mill and dry kilns on Lawren,ce Creek in Humboldt County. D. H. McFarlan is vice president and manager of the ,cornpany.

The Southern California Division of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co., under the management of T. B. Lawrence, has acquired dock and storage ficilities at San Pedro Harbor, and according to Mr. Lawrence, they will store a considerable quantity of lumber, shingles and lath for quick shipment.

_.Th. new departrrent is under the management of Joe Silva, San Pedro superintendent. The dockage is a strip of eight hundred. feet of the Outer Harbor Dock & Wharf Co., and includes about one and one-half acres of ground with three spur tracks.

The Diamond Match a;r;r; has pur,chased the Anderson Lumber Co. yards at Anderson, Shasta County.

Frank L. Fox, president and general manager of the FoxWoodsum Lumber Co., Glendale, was host to the Glendale Chamber of Commerce one dav last month when he condu'cted twenty members of the-Chamber through the company's plant. A photograph shows the delegat-ion in front of the yard.

From the "Head Saw," monthly organ published by the Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills.

"Did you know that if all the lumber and shingles manufactured by the Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills ior the last tw-enty-five years were placed in one freight car it would be 600 miles long, and,the train would reach from Bellingham over into western Montanai"* *

The California Retail Lumbermen's Association will hold their annual picnic at San Diego, on Friday and Saturday, lune2U21. A.banquet will be held at the Hotel San Diego on Friday_evening, and on Saturday there will be an all diy picnic at Balboa Park under the auspices of the San Dieg-o lumbermen'

Tle Monrovia yards of the W. J. Bettinger Lumber Co. has been sold to George T. Blamei and his son, George T. Blamer,'Jr.,. who will ,conduct the business under the iatne oJ. Blamer & Son. Mr. Blamer, Sr., .has been manager of the plant since it opened in 1922, and his son has beJn acting as assistant manager for the past eight months.

Joe Rolando, who has been connected with the Los Angeles office of the Hdrt-Wood Lumber Co., was recentlv transferred to the company's head office at San Francisco,

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