1 minute read
Union Lumber Company d" Fun
Talks to Structural Engineers
A. C. IIorner, consulting engineer, National Lumber Manufacturers Asso,ciation, San Fran.cisco. addressed a meeting of the structural engineers of Southern California in Los Angeles, June 6, on the general subject of the manufacture and use of lumber as it pertains to the work of the structural engineer.
Recent developments in timber framing, with particular reference to the use of metal ,conne,ctors, were discussed, as well as modern methods of grading lumber whi,ch make it more readily adaptable to the use of the structural engineer.
A greatly increased interest in the use of lumber by structural engineers was evidenced by the number of questions asked at the conclusion of the talk.
Edward F. \flist
Edward F. Wist, manager of the California Sugar & White Pine Company, San Francisco, passed away at his home in .Alameda, June 7. Mr. Wist was at his office as usual the previous day. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Florence S. Wist, and a son, Edward B. Wist. He was a native of Galesburg, Illinois.
Buys Interest In Yard
The Central Lumber Co. of Compton has bought an interest in the Stangor Lumber Co. at Clearwater. The yard will be operated under the name of the Clearwater Lumber Co.
O. G. Grimes, The Pacific Lumber Company, I os Angeles, left for San Francis,co on June 8 where he will spend several days visiting his mother. He also plans to spend some time at the company's San Francisco office.