2 minute read
With That Mutual Interest
Expet counsel to prevent firesSpecialized policies to protect against losssubstantial dividends to protect against cost. '\ilfrite any of our companies.
llo hrbam furl lulrrlo Conpray of hnruo Colrrr of YuYcrt. Of,io luddd, Olio ldiuhrboIrofrtrl lfodlr:tmtrtrrlFln hrme Coapror of .Lrodrrio of luliurolir, lul. f,rltb.fuL Tbc Llnbor ilotul Fh Poryhulr luf,cnan lnruo Gouxru o0 frfrrl Fin lmrrro Co. cf Sodoqtr& Plihdclplir,Pr.
Yo,u say he's dead. You say so very surely That "he will live rtg 1ne;s"-fuow can you know? How can you be.so sure of that called death, When you know nothing of the thing called life? Death is no greater mystery than lifeVeils shroud the living as they shroud the dead.
A little while ago you said, "He lives."
You held his hand, you knew his face and form, But never once did you behold his self. His body was a shell-as much a shell While living as when dead. The shell you loved But hid within that form and spoke to you Through binding walls of fesh.
And yet you said, "He lives," although you never Perceived the man himself, nor knew from whence He came, nor how he lived and thought, nor of What secret essence he was made. All this Was veiled in darkness-still you felt he lived, And walked, without a question, by his side.
Although between you there were silences, And constant strangeness-deep as any graveYou still had faith that he was always there, Though hidden from you by blank walls of flesh. Then have faith now !
If spirits can surmount the walls of fesh, Why should they perish in the halls of death?
A man may leave a house, and walk once more Along a trail-and yet we do not say, "The man is dead."
So do not cry, "My loved one lives no more." Say rather, "I{e has gone along the trail To wider ventures and a freer air."
Then put aside your bitterness, your tears. You dared to love-dare now to pay the price ! Look down upon his face and say: "I'm glad We found each other in life's mysteryGlad that we knew the miracle of love."
"Then go, my darling; go, as I shall go, With head held high in grateful mernory, And heart set on great chances yet to come ! God bless Jrou, dear ! Go free ! I'll carry on !"
New Banking Service Charges
In view of the many new charges placed upon customers of banks, it has been suggested by a committee of regular bank patrons, that the foll,owing rules might well be added to those previously imposed:
Different Now
A Sunday school teacher asked a small girl why Ananias was so severely punished. The little one thought a minute and then answered, "Please teacher, they weren't so used to lying in those days."
Willie's little sister came to the schoolroom door and handed the following note in to the teacher: "Teacher, please excuse Willi+he caught a skunk."