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It PaysT
to have our information on the credit standing of lumber dealers, furniture factories and all other carload buyers of lumber and allied products.
Much of this information is exclusive, being gathered from sources that are not available to others. Chief among these are the Tracer which gives us.the ledger experiences of shipPers not given as a reference by the customer, and the thousands of Delinquent ttnpaid Accounts reports received every month from man. ufacturers and wholesalers throughout the country.
Vhy not try this service yourself? You can use the credit rating book and supplements ON APPROVAL for 3O daysWithout Obliga. tion.
Wrile our nearest ofli.ce lor ilescriptioe lolder No. 60 and, Approaal Ord,er Blank.
For Lease
Warehouse equipped complete for handling of lumber and lumber products. 80x135 feet, double frontage, on Santa Fe Siding. Desks, safe and office space included. Apply Roy E. Harrington, care California Moulding Co., 1306 West 58th Street, Los Angeles.
Yard Foreman
Wants position with wholesale or retail lumber yard. Knows both softwoods and hardwoods. Long experience. Anything considered. Can furnish references. Address Box C-511. ,care California Lumber Merchant.
1933 Lumber Production
Washingtori, June l.-Although identical mill reports of the United States Census Bureau show an increase of 31.3 per cent in lumber production in 1933 over 1932, it is probable that last year's total is somewhat greater than this comparison would indicate due to the starting up of new mills after the Lumber and Timber Prodticts Code went into effect in August. Production in 1932 was reported as 1Q151,232,000 feet. The Census Bureau's estimate would place lumber production in 1933 as 13,328,000,000 feet. This is based upon the reports received from 539 identical mills, each unit having cut at least 2,000,000 feet board measure in either 1932 or 1933. The reporting mills acounted for 59.8 per cent of the total production during the year 1932. The figure does not include the cut of mills which operated in 1932 but were out of businessnot merely idle-in 1933, nor for those which operated in 1933 but were not in existence in 1932.
The estimated increase in 1933 output as compared with 1932 is very close to that indicated by the reports of identical mills to the National Lumber Trade Barometer of 29 per cent, and upon which the National Lumber Manufacturers Association made estimate in January of a 1933 cut of 13,200,000,000 feet. ' This estimate was latef increased to 13,400,000,0@ feet.
In reporting production by regions, an increase is shown by the Bureau for every section of the country except the Northeastern States where production declined 10.1 per cent. The greatest increase was in the Southern Rocky Mountain States where production for the year jumped 49.5 per cent. The Central States show,ed an increase of 42.8 per cent, the Northern Pacific States 37.2 per cent, and the Southern States, 33 per cent. The Lake States followed with an incr,ease of. 16.2 per cent, the Northern Rocky Mountain Stat€s with 14.5 per cent, the North Carolina Pine States 12.8 per cent, and the Southern Pacific States 12.4 per cent.
Los Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box C-4E0, Care California Lu.mber Merchant.
Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Lumberman of long experience wants position as book' keeper, office or clerical work. San Francisco Bay district preferred. Address E. T. Paulson,1735 Grove Street, Oakland. Telephone AShberry 932.
No. 3 Wappet Saw$ | 35.00 Cutc 3/a"
I New Skilsaw Model ECute 3%" $ 95.00
I ElectricHandPlanc .....S 45.00
I New Wallace Scroll Saw . $ 25.00
304-306 East Third Street
Loo Angelea, Calif.
Secretaries Meet in San Francisco
Members of the Western Institute of Trade Secretaries held a meeting at the Hotel Leamington, Oakland, May 8. Distribution was the main topic of discussion.
Radio Frcquencies Assigned To Foregt Scrvice
The Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee at Washington, D. C., has just assigned the use of five Forest Service frequencies for forest protection purposes with permission to tie into temporary camps, emergency points or toiprovide s'ervice, where it would not be economical to build telephone lines, according to S. B. Show, U. S. Regional Forester. The use of radio for administrative business is forbidden except in cases of unusual emergency conditions.
The'frequencies assigned to the Forest Service for Cali' fornia are the same as those assigned to the national forests of southern Oregon, parts o1 Montana, Oregon and Washington. With 300 radio sets in operation in the national forests of California this form of communication will play an increasingly important part in fighting forest fircs, according tor forest officers.
PnNu- Srr lcrora \utN EER in OAK
Ouadcrdwhit Hain white
Philippine-fulaltogony vnrnocnrw
Whit,e &dar
Qwurod F,sr.d pnrelecledORE G ON PINE
We carry the largest and best assorted stock of Plywood west of Chicago. Our well assorted stocks, our well known dealer policy and our central location guarantee the kind of service you demand. Progessive lumber merchants should carry these quality products. Familiarize your trade of the advantages of using Plywood. For remodeling and modernizing they are real economy.
Also a Complete Line of Pressed' W ood. Mouldings