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Lumber Dealers and Allied Industries Should Popularize National Housing Act
Increasing requests by the public for funds to modernize, make repairs or alterations are being reported by California lending agencies.
Among the morecommon purPoses for which this money is to be used is complete modernization of homes, general house repairs, installation of heating units, additions to existing homes and a variety of other alterations, all of which will mean work for the unemployed and the sale of building materials.
Although the banks admit that lending under the housing act is desirable business and the borrowers are able to get necessary funds at less cost than ever before, it is the workers and materials men or the property owner in whose interest the bill was passed'who will benefit the most.
It must be remembered that the entire amount 'borrowed has to be expended for work and supplies. This means that the total amount of money loaned in California under this Act will be spent for labor and building materials.
In this respect it is held that contractors and materials men can help greatly if they will make known to prosPective borrowers the advantage of buying at this time.
This is true particularly of those persons who are planning to modernize their home. These alterations may not be necessary at this particular time and only will be undertaken if it is proven to the owners that they can be made at this time without increased 'cost an'd probably at less expense than later.
There are many changes in the ordinary home which may be made to advantage at this time and it is up to the materials men to educate the public as to the adaptability of their particular products to make these alterations, costs of making them and reasons why they should be m-ade at this time.
The lumber merchant should make known ttre various uses in which lumber enters into modernization' He should explain how it is possibte throtigh modern methods' of handling and treating woods to obtain beautiful and dis'. tinctive interior woodwork requirements'and how'it is possible because of the numerous variations and the difierences in price between the many kinds of wood, any home owner may obtain interior woodwork to meet his infividual requiierrrents and have most pleasing efiects.
Pra,ctically all of the repairs and improvements the home owner would like to make in which wood is to be used may be finan'ced by modernization 'credit available through private lending agencies approved by and cooperating with ih" F.d"r"l Housing Administration, which is insuring such loans under the National Housing Act'
The success of the Housing Act rests largely with the contractors and materials men. It is not only a question of awaiting orders. It is something which must be. sold. It is to their advantage to show so clearly how and why houses should be repaired or modernized that the public as a whole will become enthused over the plan'
The movement is now under way and with the wholehearted support of all business interests it will not be long before the entire community will benefit by the large sums of money which will be put into cir'culation by the employment of men now idle and the activity of the material industries.
*Advertiremente appeat in alternate irsue'
Aoociate Lumber Mutuab
Booth-Kelly L,rnber Co. ------ ---
Buckley Lumber Dealers' Supply Co."--'-----"--21
California Builden Supplv Co. ----------------------15
California Panel & Veneer Co. ---------------------:13
California Redwood AsEociation
California \ffholesate Lumber Assn' --------------'
Celotex Company, The Chamberlin & Co., W. R- -------------- ------- -----21
Crossett Western ComPanY
Dandee Co., The --"------"-------'---25
Dolbeer & Carson Lumbet Co. ------------- ---- 21
Elliott Bay Salec Ca. --'----"--------21
Fomyth Hardwood Co. --------------'--- ----- '---'O'F C'
Hammond & Little River Redwood Co'' ------ 7
Flemming, E. \ff. - -.----- ----------15
Hill & Morton, fnc. ----------------------------------------21
Flogan Lumber Co. - ------------ ---------------------21
Flolmes Eureka Lumber Co. ---------------------------21
Hoover, A. L. ------------ -------------,2t
Koehl & Sonc, Inc., Jno. W. --------------------------21
Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. --------------------------21
Loop Lumber Company -----------21
Lumberments Credit Acsociation -------- ,---- -- 25
McCormick Lumber Co., Chas. R. -----------------.21
MacDonald & Bergstrom, Inc. ------ --------------- 2l
MacDonald & Harrington, Ltd. ------------- -- 9
Moore Mill & Lumber Co. ------------------,----------2I
Oregon-Waahington Plywood Co. ---------- ----21
Pacific Lumber Co., The ------- 1l
Pacific Mutual Door Co. -- 19
Patten.Btinn Lumber Co. ----------- - ---------------2t