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Vagabond Editorials

(Continued takes an oath on entering office to "preserve, protect, and defend" the Constitution of the United States. All other officials in any other branch of the government simply take oath to "uphold" the Constitution, But the President is under oath to PRESERVE, PROTECT, and DEFEND it. rl. d€ *

But there is one thing Je i"r,l go, to consider, seriously, we business folks, and that is the immediate effect of the elimination of NRA from our affairs. They are scrambling around at Washington trying to salvage something of NRA, but, while I confess I am no lawyer, I don't see much they can do. Just remember, you business folks, that when the Supreme Court wiped NRA from the official slate, it put business right back where it used to be with regard to the laws of the land, particularly the anti-trust laws. DON'T FORGET THAT.

There isn't any agreement that-business men can enter into today that they couldn't in the days before NRA sort of neutralized the anti-trust laws. I don't think there is anything Congress can pass that would exempt business men from their state laws. \Ve may get into some trouble before we arrive conclusively at that understanding. Keep it in mind.

The elimination of NRt'*; ,io, " "t-nlete shock to the lumber industry. It had been cushioned for the final fall by a series of previous eliminations. And lumber has certainly shown no ill effects of any sort, as yet at least, from the elimination of NRA. If anything, business in the lumber industry has improved.

Redwood Industry Continues Code Activities

Covered by Article X

Code activities of the Redwood Division will be wound up June 16, with the exception of those covered by Article X, having to do with conservation and forestry practices, which will be continued under Professor Emanuel Fritz and Captain Elam, according to an announ,cement made by Harry W. Cole, executive ofifi,cer of the Redwood Division, and president of the California Redwood Association.

Newspaper Ads Give Glimpse of Buildins Activity

The Nevada City Lumber Co., Nevada City, is running a series of interesting advertisements in their local paper, the Nevada City Nugget. The ads titled "Through the Knot-Hole" have the regular newspaper makeup and ,carry items giving a glimpse of the building activity going on in the district. Osc.ar J. Qdegaard is manager of the yard.

from Page 6)

I would like to offer a personal plea to the lumber folks in every line and in every district to use their brains;right now, and HOLD UP WAGE SCALES. There are ah;qays game hogs in every line of business. We have had plenty of them in the lumber industry in the past, men who pay as little as possible in order that they may profit as much as possible. And, this known fact has NOT helped the name and fame of the industry. Facts have been magnified and enlarged upon, and the lumber industry has known plenty of bad publicity with regard to wage scales, some of which has been undoubtedly deserved.


Any man in the lumber industry today who reduces the wage scale of his employes ought to have his skull trephined to give his brains room to grow.


Hold up wage scales. Go out after business. Get back into live and intelligent competition-something that has been the sad missing link under NRA. The world thrives and grows and improves on intelligent competition. ft always has and always will.


What we need in the lumber industry right now is a lot of initiative, and a lot of good hard work. llfe are threatened with a mighty prosperous fall and winter, if labor situations untangle themselves, and the lumber industry uses ordinary intelligence in meeting its obstacles, and solving its problems.

Lumbermen's Post Meets

Lumbermen's Post, No. 403, of the American Legion. held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, June 11. Harry Madigan, commander of the Monrovia Post and a well known authority on trout fishing, gave an interesting talk on fishing for trout. G. E. Outland, superintendent of the transit camp for boys at Griffith Park, talked on what the Government is doing for the boys at the transient camps.

Leo Hubbard, ,commander, presided at the meeting.

\(/ith Smith Lumber Co-

Merrill Robinson recently resigned his position as sec-. retary of the Fir Plywood Association of Northern California, San Francisco, and has become associated with the Smith Lumber Company, Oakland,

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