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produces better, lower tosl form buildings
FanuBns are thinking about farm buildings and equipment in new terms. They are regarding them, not as fixed and static structures, but as dynamic working tools. They know that efficient buildings, correctly designed and, soundly constructed reduce animal mortality, protect health, save labor hours and steps in care and management, save feed and increase production.
Engineering in lumber has made impressive contributions to farm building progress. It has developed glued laminated wood arch rafters which are being increasingly used in the construction of nearly every type of farm building. In large dairy barns these arch rafters provide generous hay storage free from objectionable bracing, while in smaller structures they give ample head room and wide post-free interiors.
These laminated wood rafters are continuous framing members running from foundation to roof ridge, thus eliminating the joint of sidewall to roof. Anchored at the sill with strong angle irons and joined at the ridge with metal plates and bolts, they make a more rigid, durable, wind-resistant structure. They save time in erection.
F.ngineering in lumber concerns itself with the development of wood as a building material and improvement in the design of farm buildings. It is working for you and your customers. And as soon as farmers can build again, improved 4-Square lumber and other timber products, together with the engineered designs of the 4-Square Farr4 Building Service will enable you to deliver better and more economical farm structures.