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PORTTAND CEMENT, all other tYPes














This Man Is A War Worker

As ecrch log is locded it must be checked and tcllied. Trcining crnd experience litted this man lor his iob. The Wcr Machine needs lumber crnd lumber production needs skilled men.


SoIt Ponderoscr and Sug<rr Pine



Timber Construction Regulations Eased

Approval of construction projects bv the \\Iar Production Board is based on the Controllerl Nlaterials Plan, and is provided for under CMP Reg. 6. Appror.al of a project is nou' based on relative necessity :rncl rloes not involve, specifical1y, the material used.

Plans 'n'ill shorv types of construction proposcd, ancl consi<lcration u'il1 be given to ger.reral availability of mlLtcrial, but it is no longer necessarv to give rluantities rc<1rrirctl, ancl WPll rvill leavc proposal oi nraterial to the applicar-rt.

Application for authorization of most construction projects, includir.rg farm houses and fann buildings, is made orr Fornr \\rPli-617 (other t1'pes o{ residential construction arc subject to Limited Preference Order P-55-C). Construction authorizatiorr for applications on Form \\rPB-617 is givcn on Form GA-1456, u'hicl-r rvill give the allotment symbol and the preference rating assigned. The use of materials is subject to current Corrstruction Limitations unless specific exceptions are made in the authorization.

The current WPB N{aterial Substitution and Suppll List (Jan. 15,7944) notes that Timbers:rnd 3" and 4" Dimension Lurnber are availaltlc in excess of current essential needs. These are stnlctural an<1 coustluctior-r size s. One-inch Boards and 2" by 1" and 6" Dimension renrair-r critical, and available only on specific authorization. Therare essential for boxing and crating for over-sczrs sl.ripment. Otl-rer lurnber required in building construction is availablc in currently sufficient quantity.

Production of timbers and hear-r- dinrension for structural purposes is essential to enabie sau'rnill ccluipmcnt to bc clperated to maxirnum capacitr- for production of boarcls ancl sm:rll dimer-rsion. Timbers and heavy dimension are "cutting ortlers" and are ctlt on order rather than to stock. Their use rvill permit m:rximum production of criticalllessential sizes.

Requirement of Design Certificates {or stress-grade lunrber to shon' conformity u'itl.r WPB Directive 29 remains in effect.

Arlie C. Chcrter Gets Wings

Arlie C. Charter, son of Arlie M. Charter of Wholesale Building Supply Co., Inc., Oakland, rvas commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army Air Force at Nlarfa, Texas, May 23. He is a bomber pilot, and has just returned to duty after spending a 10-day leave rvith his parents in Oakland, Calif.

Scmpson Compcny Buys Property

Sampsolr Cornpany of Pasadena, manufacturers of winrlorv and cloor screens, blinds, Louvre doors, and ironing boarcls, have recently purchased the property on which their plant is located, and also the adjacent lot. This purchase, together u'ith their acquisition of track-side industrial propert)-, gives tl-rem a totai area o{ about tn'o acres all of u'hich thel' hope to improve and use rvhen materials are available.

Bcrck foom Washington

Leslie Lynch, Patten-Blinn Lumber Company, Los Angeles, n'ho is a member of the Industry Advisory Comrnittee, Lumber Branch, \\/ar Production Board, has returned from Washingtrin, D. C., l'here he attended a Comrnittee meeting.

Looking Ahead

Every dcry thct pqsses is cr dcy necrer Victory, c dcry necrer thcrt resumption of old relcriionships to which we crll look lorwcrrd. In the meqntime we cre qll proud oI the big iob thct lumber is doing in so mcny wcys in its contribution to the success ol our crrmed lorces.


Main Ofice and Yards

Dennison St. Wharf

Phone ANdover 1077-1078


Distributing Yard

First St. & Platt Ave.

Phone Fresno 3-89t3

W00D Adds lnsuloting Volue; another good reason for using wood

Postwar construction will involve a lot oI refrigeration work. That means insulation, and wood adds to its efticiency. Prolit by this trend by recommen&ng that insulation be housed in wood.

Of course, the wood must be protected against ever-present decay and termite attack. Wolmanized Lumber* solves that problem. It is ordinary wood made highly resistant to this attack by vacuumpressure impregnation with Wolman Salts* preservation. This is the story we are telling in advertisements like that reproduced here. American Lumber & Treating Company, 1648 McCormick Building, Chicaqo 4, Illinois.

* Regirtered tradematls

llo laboratory eYer sxpossd wood r,,,.t0 more $glgrg test csnditions

, 8At{At A ripening roorns are held at temperatures between 56'and 7O' f. llumidities ate aboufrgSfo Ideal con&tions lor rapid grorlth o! wooddestroying fungi, but WolnanizedLadber*, is no ordinary riviiod.

imprqgnation with Wolmaa account! lor lhis unusuat abiiity. is thue made highly resistanf to decay lact proved by many rimil,ar tllolrnanized Lusber, in seryicri fur t ;; ripenias,:rooas. .

Redwood Logging Conlerence

San Francisco, Calif., June 5, 194'1.-How to get out more logs for the war despite manpower ar.rd ecluiprnet.rt shortages was the central theme of the Sth arrlrual Redr,vood I-ogging Conference, held at Iiureka, Calii., N'Iay 26 and 27.

Staged in a stand of Red'w'ood timber r.rear llureka, the traditional field trip 'lvas devoted entirely to :l demonstration of chain sarvs for falling ar.rtl buckirrg. Sarvs detlorrstrated were the Atkins, Hassler. Titar-r. and I.E,.L. A Mall chain sarv and a Hansen clrag sa\\' \\rere on displal'.

Kenneth Smith, president of the California Redwood Association, presented the introductory address of the indoor session. Under chairmansl.rip of Hubert f. Bower, The Pacihc Lumber Co., Scotia, the session developed much active discussion f rom tl're floor. George Allen, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., Iiureka, reported on a trial of conrbining falling, bucking and peeling. A slash disposal experiment u'as described by James Glenn, state forest ranger, Fortuna. From the point of vier,v of livestock management, R. L. Adarns, professor of farm management, Universitl' of California, discussed financial aspects of holding cutover land; Emanuel Fritz, associate professor of forestry at the University, covered the subject from the timber growing angle.

Of the f ederal agency speakers, Harold E. Holman, Lumber Division, WPB, Washington, D. C., discussed equipment and parts priorities ; Capt. Thomas E. Burke and Lt. E. C. Keachie, district labor officer, U. S. Engineer Corps, San Francisco, spoke on manpower aids.

Other study subjects covered a general discussion of power sarvs, the status of bark peeling, and pre-loading possibilities in truck logging.

More than 160 rvere served at the annual Redr,vood Loglger's dinner. Walter G. Collins, Hammond Lumber Co., : Samoa, was toastmaster. The spcaker of the evening was ;Lt. Comdr. Stanley Woodman, Naval Public Relations officer. Other speakers were Don McKenzie and Dewey Anderson, president and vice-president, respe ctively, of the Pacific Logging Conferencc, and Frank Reynolds, State Board of Forestry. John Gray, Union Lumber Co., Fort Bragg, was elected chairman of the 1945 Redrvood Logging Conference to be held at Fort Bragg, Calif.

Oakland Hoo - Hoo Concat And Dinner June 16

A fine class of Kittens has been signed up for the Oakland Hoo-Hoo concatenation .lvhich r,vill be hcld at the Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, Calif., Friday evening, June 16. Dinner rvill be served at 6:09 p.m., and rvill be followed by the concatenation at B:09 p.m. As this u'ill be the last meeting in the Oakland district for the Hoo-Hoo vear 1943-1944, a big attetrrlance is expected.

The Nine that rvill be in charge of the concatcnation includes: Vicegerent Snark, Bert E,. Bryan; Senior Hoo-Hoo, G. F. Bcxrnington; Junior I-[oo-Hoo, Leu'is Godard; Jabberu'ock, I). Normen Cords ; Gurdon, George Clayberg; Bojum, Henry Hink; Arcanoper, Clement Fr:rscr; Scrivenoter, Nfiland Grant; and Custocatian, Larue J. Woodson.

Every member of the Nine is a past president of HooHoo Club No. 39, except D. Normen Cords, rvho is the prescnt Club president.

Enjoys The Cclilornia Lumber Merchqnt

I got so much valuable information and so much pleasure from reading your interesting biography o{ Jefferson that I want to tell someone about it, and I thought I might just as well take time out and tell you. I subscribe to a number of lumber journals but yours is the only one f would really miss if they discontinued publication.

I am taking your May 1st issue to a friend in the hospital tonight and I only hope he gets half as much out of it as I did. My scrap book contains many of your Vagabond Editorials and your funny stories gatl-rered over the past eight years or more, and f value it very highly, and hope you always continue with those interesting biographies and funny stories that make your magazine the most interesting thing that comes in our mails. What a pleasure to pick up a lumber journal and find something other than dry statistics and advertisements.

E. E. Marshall

Marshall Shingle Company

Oakland, California

BV /ocb Sawe

Age not guaranteed---Some I have told for 2O years---Some Less

Close Indeed

The coroner was holding an inquest over the body of a "Yassuh." colored gent who was found with five bullet holes through "Were the shots fired at close range?" his body and most awfully dead. A colored witness was "Yassuh." on the stand testifying. The coroner said to him:. " Ffow do you know that? Were there powder marks

"You say this woman Liza lane shot this man, who on his face ?" was her husband, with a pistol?"

Bcck From Business Trip

"Sho, Jedge! Dass why she shot him."

Lumber Yard Fire

Itussell Edmonston, nurnager of the Speciaities Depart- Lxcept for the office and paint buildings, fire of undement, li. K. \\rood Lnmbcr Co., Los,\r.rgeles, is back from termined origin on June 7 destrov-ed the plant of the Barr a fit.e Neeks' business triu in the E:rst ancl N<irthrvest. He I-umlter Company at Whittier. visitecl l)avton, Ohio, Washington, D. C., Buffalo, N. Y., and Chicago, I11., returning by 'rvay of the Northrvest, Moves OIIice u,here he stopped at ()lr.mpia, \\t-ash., Portland and Eu- Parelius Lttrnber Company, Portland, Ore., has moved its gene, Ore. office from 179 to 420 Pittock Block.

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