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The \\'PB issucs a list of constnrction materials t'hich nrav not be rrsecl irr industriirl construction and makes certain cl-ranges irr Direction 1 to the CNIP Rcgulation 6, to make the prohibitions on usc of the spccifiecl materials and proclucts effcctir-e.

Bclsa Lumber

Nfembers of the balsa irnporters indrrstr-r' u<lr-isorv committee stated at a recent tneeting that rrnless caltacitv production of balsa lnmber is nraintainerl, it u'ill bc inrpossiblc to nreet future rerluirements, the \\'PR reports.

Southern California Dealers Will Meet at Los Angeles July 5

An inclustrv meeting of the retail lrrrnber dealers of Southern California has been called by Peter A. Stone, Price Execrrtive, Lrrr.nber Branch, C)ffice of Price Administration. \\'ashington, I). C., to be held at 9:30 A.NI., Wednesdav, Jull- 5, in the .\sscrnlrl;- Ilall, Iiurbassr- Auditorium. Los -\ngeles.


Since 1888

OFFICE, MIIJ, YABD AND DOCtrlT 2nd & Alice Sts., Ockland Glencourt 6861


Deelcrc in Forest Products

Douglcs Fir-Redwood


Genercrl Office

Crocker Bldg., Scn Frcrncisco 4, Cclil.

Southern Cclilomicr Ollice cnd Ycnd

1249 llirm Ave., WiLningrton" Cclil., P. O. Box 5{8

Veneticrn Blinds

Nlembers of the r.enctian blind industry arlvisory comnrittee are aclvised that they can continue using lunrbcr :rt their present rate until the \\-PB's neu' lrrmlrcr alloclr"tion system goes into effect. possiblf in the third cluartcr o{ 794+.


Special rules under which the War Dcpartnrent may use the "SC)" (smal1 order) allotment synrbol for placing authorizecl controlled materials orders and orders for Class A products have been spelled out in a ncw controlled materials plan direction, the WPR ar-rnorlnces.

Cijassified Advertising

Permanent Position Open

We are looking for a wide awake retail lumberman to become our General Manager after spending four or five months getting acquainted with our inventory, methods and customers. This is not a chain yard. We are located in the Central Coast area of California. This is a good paying permanent position for the right man. Sufficient time will be given for interviews, moving, etc. fn replying state fully your past experience and references. Applications strictly confidential.

Address Box C-1028. California Lumber Merchant. 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

For Sale

One Hermance sticker No. 284. Will surface 14" lumber, all patterns and mouldings.

One large jointer.

OAKDALE LUMBER CO., Oakdale, Calif.

Lumber Opportunity

Alert, active lumberman, 43, with excellent, currently helpful mill connections, timber and small mill facilities, Pine, Fir, Cedar, wants association with Los Angeles area wholesale yard where ability, energy and production sources will have equitable opportunitv.

Address Box C-1035, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.



Address Box C-2021. California Lumber Merchant 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.


Lumberman 22 years' experience Los Angeles area. 18 years retail, 4 years wholesale, selling, purchasing and managing. 44 years old. Sound character, honest, willing and able. Is interested in position with good remuneration, and/or, interest in business.

Address Box C-1036, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.


Heavy lumber trucks.

Motor not important.

Address Box C-l030, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

Lumber Yards For Sale

(A) Located in Coast town, Los Angeles County. Plenty of ground and sheds, total $12,000. Not much stock, about $2,000. Railroad spur, truck and DeWalt saw. Good Prospects.

(B) San Joaquin Valley yard, see last issue for particulars.

If you want to sell your yard, either operating or closed, let us know. We have a number of inquiries.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers

801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif. Phone PRospect 8746

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